Base de imagens contruída e anotadas para ser utilizada treinamento de redes neurais e algoritmos de aprendizado com o objetivo de indetificar linhas e/ou entrelinhas de soja cultivada no Brasil. Essa base foi contruída utilizando a ferramenta VGG Image Annotator (
Built and annotated image base to be used neural network training and learning algorithms in order to identify soybean lines and/or between lines cultivated in Brazil. This base was built using the VGG Image Annotator tool (
This project doesn't need local installation, you can use VGG Image annotator online, but if you prefer you can use this local tool.
The project is loaded with the image base and the annotations in MS COCO format, if you need to use another format you can load the images in the VGG Image Anottator and re-port the annotations in the format you want.
Training images are inside the folder train
Validation images are inside the folder val
Evaluation images are inside the folder evaluation