Coding challenge from the Udemy Course the Complete 2020 Web Developer Bootcamp
I wrote the code in game.js. The other files were provided by the instructor.
- arrays
- query selectors
- javascript HTML DOM events
- jQuery effect methods
- this keyword
- $ identifier
- creating audio in javascript
To run this project locally:
- Option 1: With the folder open in your text editor, right click on the index.html and select "Copy Path", and then paste into the browser of your choice
- Option 2: With the folder open in your text editor, right click on the index.html and select "Open with Live Server"
- The application will randomly generate an n + 1 sequence of color and audio
- Your goal is to replicate the pattern generated by the application
- Video Tutorial
- Section 15: Boss Level Challenge 2 - The Simon Game of the Udemy Course the Complete 2020 Web Developer Bootcamp