Here's an updated README with an alternative SSH clone option:
This repository contains a tool for automatically updating the JDK index used by Jabba, a popular Java version manager. The tool leverages the DiscoAPI to fetch the latest JDK distributions and updates the index accordingly.
- Automated Updates: The GitHub Action in this repository runs daily to ensure the JDK index remains up to date.
- Integration with Jabba: The generated index is pushed to the Jabba Index Repository, making it immediately available for users.
- Node.js LTS or Current: Any supported Node version should work
Clone the Repository:
Using HTTPS:
git clone
Or, using SSH:
git clone
Navigate to the Project Directory:
cd index-generator
Install Dependencies:
npm install
Run the Generator:
node src/index.js
This command fetches the latest JDK data from DiscoAPI and updates the index.
This repository includes a GitHub Action that automates the update process:
- Daily Update: The action is scheduled to run daily, pulling the latest JDK data and pushing the updated index to the Jabba Index Repository.
- Token Rotation: GitHub requires that the personal access token (PAT) used in the action is regularly rotated. Be sure to update the token if the action is disabled due to inactivity.
Contributions are welcome! Please open an issue or submit a pull request with any improvements or bug fixes.