💻 Full Stack Developer | 🚀 Technology Enthusiast | 🎯 Challenge Lover
Welcome to my GitHub profile. Here, you'll find projects, collaborations, and contributions I've worked on. I love learning new technologies and improving my skills every day.
I'm a full stack developer with experience in NestJS, Prisma, Node.js, Typescript and React among other technologies. I specialize in building scalable and efficient web applications. I love contributing to open-source projects and continuously learning new technologies.
- Languages: JavaScript, TypeScript, Python, SQL
- Frameworks: NestJS, Express, React
- Databases: MySQL, PostgreSQL, Prisma
- Tools: Docker, Git, VS Code
- 📚 Booknity - A Social Media featured Library!
- 📚 BooknityAPI The Booknity API fully documented on Swagger!
- [My Portfolio] (https://larridev.netlify.app/) Checkout my Portfolio!
- Email: joaqlarrivey@gmail.com
- LinkedIn: Joaquin Larrivey