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Model Evaluation

Model Evaluation Tool for evaluating rknn models against their onnx models. Able to show evaluation metrics like mAP, AP, Precision, Recall, Inference timing and a Confusion matrix.


  1. (Optional) Use to quantize the onnx model.
  2. Use to convert the onnx model into an rknn model.
  3. Use to perform inference and visualization. Note that ONNXRuntime works only for non quantized YOLOv5 models.
    e.g. python model_path.rknn --use_sim True
    python model_path.onnx --model_type <v5 or x> --use_sim True --res 640 --test_dir ./test_data/Images --test_save ./test_results
    python model_path.rknn --model_type <v5 or x> --use_sim True --res 640 --test_dir ./test_data/Images --test_save ./test_results
    python -h for details

ONNX Quantization

Quantization via ONNX is currently supported for YOLOX models and is for now the only method to obtain viable int8/uint8 models. Example usage:

python utils/ -i rknn_exports/example/yolox_tiny_v3.onnx -o rknn_exports/yolox_tiny_v3_uint8.onnx --cal test_data/Images # only -i is a required flag.


The RKNN model has the following workflow and functions:

# initialize model:
model = RKNNModel(model_path, use_sim=False, device_id="", verbose=False)
# device id can be obtained by the cli command: adb devices
# device id will need to be supplied if not using simulation (which is default)

# make inference with preprocessed img:
output = model.forward(preprocessed_image)

# release the RKNN api; currently does not help with RKNN restart problem

Project File Structure

An overview of the project file structure. Only essential files are shown:

┃┣ 📜
┃┗ 📜
┃┣ 📜
┃┣ 📜
┃┣ 📜
┃┗ 📜
┃┗ 📜
┃┣ 📜
┃┗ 📜 (not yet addded)
┃┣ 📂Annotations
┃┣ 📂Images
┃┣ 📂gt_files
┃┣ 📂example
┃┃ ┣ 📜yolox_tiny_v3.onnx
┃┃ ┗ 📜yolox_tiny_v3.rknn
┃┣ 📂logs
┣ 📜
┗ 📜

Overall, primary scripts are kept at the root of the project, while all other auxillary files are kept in processing, models, or utils respectively.

Main Changelog

  • Added YOLOv5 ONNXRuntime and RKNN demo
  • Fixed inference issues with RKNN model.
  • RKNN export script added.
  • Now supports environments with and without onnxruntime.
  • Added onnx quantization.
  • Added simple rknn model evaluation.

Known Issues

  • The current RKNN model cannot run on Jupyter Notebook when using rknn-toolkit 1.7
  • When running the rknn on the chip, the process does not terminate despite rknn.release() being called. Process needs to be killed instead.


  • RKNN Toolkit 1.7 is currently being used for export and will be further used for quantization via onnx.
  • RKNN Toolkit environment setup for 1.7: bash script to install rknn-toolkit 1.7.1
  • onnxruntime (currently using cpu version): pip install onnxruntime or pip install onnxruntime-gpu
  • Potential conflict between onnxruntime 1.5.2 and rknn-toolkit 1.7.1: rknn-toolkit requires numpy-1.16 but onnxruntime requires numpy-1.19; currently using numpy-1.19, which might cause problems with rknn-toolkit. No issues thus far.

Future work

  • Experiment with numpy versions to find potential conflicts
  • Support onnx quantization
  • Investigate environment setup to allow simultaneous testing of onnx and rknn models.
  • Include CenterNet processing
  • Include YOLOv5 processing
  • Evaluation metrics


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