A Java bot for Discord using the JDA library.
Current functionality is about giving members of a discord server EXP when being in a voice channel and automatically assigning roles based on a level system. This bot uses an postgreSQL instance to persist experience. If you'd like to run your own version of this project check the [installation part]
The current XP system is based on the logarithmic function log(totalXP)/log(3)
XP | LVL |
150 | 4 |
3739 | 7 |
15160 | 8 |
20762 | 9 |
156089 | 10 |
556089 | 12 |
The auto ranking system is based on the time spent in voice channels per user per guild. The bot uses the onGuildVoiceJoin and onGuildVoiceLeave events to estimate the amount of time per sessions. For every second the user gets 1 XP which are persisted. On leave the user gets a private message informing about collected XP, total XP and the current level.
note: In order for this to work the bot needs the manage roles permission on discord.
If a member of the guild joins a voice channel join, the bot creates a new thread which lists all users that have been more than 3 times in voice and in total longer than 60 minutes within the last 14 days. These users are automatically added to a role name "%SERVERNAME& REGULARS". Guild members which are not (anymore) matching these filter are automatically removed from the role
- Go to https://discord.com/developers/applications and click on the
New Application
button - Enter a Name for your application
- Navigate to
in the left sidebar and click on theAdd Bot
button - Under
Privileged Gateway Intents
make sure to enable theSERVER MEMBERS INTENT
(This is required for the bot to monitor joining & leaving members) and press theSave Changes
button - Click the
Reset Token
button and copy your token - Navigate to
in the left sidebar and click onURL Generator
in the submenu of the sidebar - Under
and underbot permissions
selectManage Roles
andSend Messages
- Copy the generated url and open it in your browser to invite the bot
Navigate to charts folder and run helm upgrade -i discord-experiencebot --set discord.token=XXXXXX .