#README ##Overview This iOS application basically is the app version of the Stock Search Webpage ###The app provides the information below:
1.Lastest stock information and trend charts.
2.Historical Stock value chart.
3.Lastest news of the company.
###The things you can do on app:
1.Add the company to the favourtie list.
2.Share the current stock value to facebook.
3.Refresh the stock value of the companies in favourite list.
- Functionality:
Type the at least 3 characters and it will provided the potential companies you might want to searh. - Source:
1.Special thanks to cjcoax and his CCAutocomplete
2.Thanks the company look up API provided by Market on Demand
- Functionality:
Stock Detail
- Functionality:
View the stock details in the the table and view the yahoo daily stock chart. - Source:
1.Thanks to stock detail API provided by Market on Demand
2.Yahoo daily chart provided by yahoo finance. Yahoo Finance
3.Facebook SDK
- Functionality:
Historical Chart
- Functionality:
View the historical stock details in the charts. - Source:
1.Thanks to stock iteractive chart API provided by Market on Demand
- Functionality:
News Feed
- Functionality:
View the news of a specific company.
- Source:
1.Thanks to stock news feed API provided by Bing News
- Functionality:
Once the user has provided data and selected a result from the Auto-complete list he would click on ‘Get Quote’, when validation must be done to check that the entered data is valid.
- Functionality:
Favourite List
- Functionality:
You can delete the item in the favourite list and refresh the data to the lastest stock detail.
- Functionality: