JavaScript module for drawing in the browser
To connect, you need to connect it to the script tag, create an element <div id ="CanvasDrawerADIO"> </div> on the page and call the startCreateDesigner() function (see index.html). Note that this function is called by default after the module is loaded. All the settings that are implemented at the moment, you can find at the beginning of the module - object cPainting_settings.
Attention: will be created tho classes: AIDO_inputs and AIDO_labels.
- CanvasDrawerADIO1
- CanvasDrawerADIO_tool
- AIDO_inp_means
- AIDO_inp_color
- AIDO_inp_size
- AIDO_setting_cleaner
- inp_sett_cleaner_width
- inp_sett_cleaner_height
The CanvasDrawerADIO element can be found anywhere on the page, no styles are required for it.
If you have any questions or suggestions, please contact .