This package contains all the configs and launch files to run Fanuc arm in gazebo simulation. Fanuc (like many other industrial robot manufacturers) do not give all the inertia values and transmission setup to directly spawn their URDF file in your Gazebo. You have to download their URDFs and set them manually. Here I put some inertia values to bring up the simulation
You can use this package to learn,
- JointTrajectoryController and JointStateController for the robot arm
- plugin gazebo_ros_control when you use different name for robot_description
- how to use groups,tf_prefix and --namespace correctly to spawn more than one robot
Spawning more than one robot with different robot_descriptions is tricky. You can use the fanuc_and_base.launch file to get a good idea about that.
- base_robot
- turtlebot3_simulations (for the gazebo world file model)
- fanuc_moveit (for moveit implementation)
- may be more..
- Now Fanuc is combined with a vacuum gripper.
- Fanuc is now using effort_controller rather than position_controller.
- PID is tuned for each joint.
- Fanuc can now pick and drop the box which is on the table
How to run pick drop sequence,
- Clone and build dependencies
roslaunch fanuc_at_home fanuc_on_table.launch
roslaunch fanuc_moveit move_group.launch
rosrun fanuc_at_home
plugin is used for the gripper. See the code to learn how the friction plate is used to keep the box when vacuum gripper works.