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Jared Whiklo edited this page Feb 14, 2018 · 10 revisions


This meeting is a hybrid teleconference and IRC chat. Anyone is welcome to join. Here is the info:


  • Jared Whiklo
  • Natkeeran
  • Seth Shaw
  • Danny Lamb
  • Marcus Barnes


  1. ❤️ 💟 ❤️ 💟 ❤️
  2. Multiple metadata profiles,
    1. What are our options?
      1. Create metadata fields, then manually add each metadata field to the content type
      2. Add metadata fields automatically with some tooling
      3. Create metadata profile bundles/paragraphs, modify jsonld (make it configurable) to populate the metadata fields directly under the object
      4. Any other ideas!
    2. Dublin Core Metadata Profile
    3. Metadata cross walk
  6. Easy merge:
  7. Needs review:
  8. New PR:
  9. ... (feel free to add agenda items)


  1. Heart emojis!!

  2. Trying to figure out what steps we are going to take to add metadata profile or metadata fields to a content-type. Just trying to understand which way we are leaning towards. It seems we need to support multiple metadata profiles and some sort of crosswalk of profiles and some sort of optional selection of metadata profiles.

    Do we want to mash some data up as we move stuff over. The benefit is to make the tooling add this metadata during the migration. Also figure out how well this works with Drupal. A lot of things work in bizarre ways once you get it in there. The final direction is whatever people want.

    I think deleting a field would still have implications for changes to the schema.

    We want the basic metadata properties to show up under the object. One option is to model them as separate bundles or Paragraphs and when we check the json-ld we can check those properties but it could effect other serializers.

    How does paragraphs work with searching as building partial entities and adding them to a main entity. If your search returns the paragraph, can you get the parent "node".

    Thinking of all the different ways Islandora 7.x-1.x instances have customized their searches. They will want to be able to do some of the same customization in Drupal 8.

    We don't really have a set of DC fields are ready. For 7.x-2.x it was all text, because DC is anything but DCTERMS is object properties.

    We are mapping/modelling in Drupal a graph to be pushed into Fedora.

    There are some gaps between what you need/get for RDF/LDP and what you need/get from Drupal.

    he extent of an object is still a fuzzy boundary. ORE sort of covers this use case, but it was developed before there were named graphs and perhaps we should be looking at using named graph.

    We could use named graphs in the triplestore, but we have to define what an "object" to contain within a named graph is.

    Metadata profile ie. my image has these fields with these values. We will need multiple metadata profiles for every institution.

    Do we want to make a taxonomy for agents? Use the taxonomy term to transcend the bundles. The only difference between a taxonomy and a bundle is that a taxonomy gives you a hierarchy. So instead of making multiple bundles, you could tag a bundle with a taxonomy term and then you can access the hierarchy.

    Could we build views for the display and manage the relationships in the views.

    What types of PIDs are we minting? Drupal or Fedora. That really depends on what you are using your Fedora for.

jared's note: I think during some of that deep conversation I lost a lot of it as I was listening and not just transcribing. I apologize

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