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Mark Cooper edited this page Dec 16, 2015 · 6 revisions


This meeting is a hybrid teleconference and IRC chat. Anyone is welcome to join. Here is the info:


  • Melissa
  • Diego
  • Aaron
  • Mark (C.)


  1. Sprint updates

Diego and Danny (and others) working on updates to php services. Build services based on silex framework. Two services in progress, transactions and resources -- pass data through silex to fedora. Silex services very slim, doing some basic verification of inputs / outputs.

Problem: fedora returning data with the host header of the requester, so when different ports used to access fedora than what fedora is using then the returned data doesn't match what is in fedora (sorry if not captured diego's explanation well).

Test example:

curl "http://localhost:8080/rest" -v -H "host:hey-we-don't-exist:8181"

Possible solutions: rewrite header? needs some more investigation.

Aaron brought up issue around vector locks and concurrency. Has been thinking about it, not ignoring it =) Many possible techniques, but testing required with large data (hard problem).

Aaron suggestion: Define set of all interleaving messages, define behavior for each and test the scenarios.

Diego talked about high level architecture. Fedora as master is an easier scenario, but working with a "decentralized" cluster where data can be created in different places and needs to sync has difficult issues to work out (locking issues etc.). Big open issue. Aaron has some thoughts but needs to flesh out before discussing.

  1. Drupal 8 Prospectus

Nick has been working on it. Aiming for draft in January. Present to roadmap committee -> then broader community, for informed decision by stakeholders.

  1. Add docker-compose to chullo?

Mark suggestion to make getting started with chullo as easy as possible. README with example was very good, but going from there to doing /seeing something would be great. That could just be better docs (i.e. pointing to Islandora-CLAW vagrant), but docker with compose good option for getting going quickly, running the examples etc. Mark has the bandwidth to maintain, although not expected to be much of a maintenance problem. Ideal approach would be to add repos to islandora-claw at docker-hub, could also add Vagrantfile (using docker provider) to make Docker installation easier for those with vagrant installed, but not docker. Many options, aim to keep simple while things are changing quickly. Will think through over Xmas.

  1. ...feel free to add...

No additional topics.

Happy holidays!

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