Islandora Vagrant v1.3
1.3 (2015-05-22)
Implemented enhancements:
- Move wget/curl calls to gists to config directory #57
- vagrant up dies when installing FITS #54
- Add Drupal sniffer files for phpcs #43
- Update to Java 8 #39
- Switching to drush make for installing Drupal modules and libraries #22
Fixed bugs:
Closed issues:
- Seeing an error in drupal module enabling due to islandora_openseadragon #59
- UI for purging objects is missing #52
- Enabling islandora_ingest_test wreaks havoc with ingest forms #47
- IA book reader never renders #38
Merged pull requests:
- Add option to run a custom script from vagrantfile #60 (ksclarke)
- Fixed default value for path to FITS. #46 (mjordan)
- Added code to scripts/ to parse the islandora.dru… #45 (mjordan)
- Update to using Drush Make #44 (ksclarke)
- Fix various small housekeeping issues #42 (ksclarke)
- Address Issue 54. #56 (mjordan)
- Address #50. #51 (mjordan)
- Fix error associated with zsh man pages and silence curl and maven #49 (ksclarke)
- Address #47. #48 (mjordan)
- Add devtools used by ant #41 (ksclarke)
- Fix stdin errors #40 (ksclarke)