- Get full items
- Get items with selected attributes
- Get best sellers
- Get item by ID
- Get cart, orders, and wishlist by user email
- Add item to user's order
- Add item to user's cart
- Add item to user's wishlist
- Delete item from user's cart
- Delete item from user's orders
- Delete item from user's wishlist
- Get all users
- Get user by email
- Add new user
- Update user
- Delete user
- Run Redis
- Run microservices
- Run proxy server
- Run client server
Retrieves full items from the database.
GET /app1/get/all/full
Retrieves items with selected attributes from the database.
GET /app1/get/all?title=1&price=1&sold_count=1
Retrieves the best-selling items from the database.
GET /app1/get/bestSellers
Retrieves an item from the database by its ID.
GET /app1/get/:id
Retrieves the cart, orders, and wishlist of a user by their email.
GET /app1/get/relation/:email
Adds an item (using its ID) to the order of a user.
POST /app1/add/relation/order/:email/:id
Adds an item (using its ID) to the cart of a user.
POST /app1/add/relation/cart/:email/:id
Adds an item (using its ID) to the wishlist of a user.
POST /app1/add/relation/wishlist/:email/:id
Deletes an item (using its ID) from the cart of a user.
DELETE /app1/delete/relation/cart/:email/:id
Deletes an item (using its ID) from the orders of a user.
DELETE /app1/delete/relation/orders/:email/:id
Deletes an item (using its ID) from the wishlist of a user.
DELETE /app1/delete/relation/wishlist/:email/:id
Retrieves all users from the database.
GET /app2
Retrieves a user from the database by their email.
GET /app2/:email
Adds a new user to the database.
POST /app2/
Updates a user in the database by their email.
PUT /app2/:email
To run Redis, use the following command:
-run redis
To run the microservices, execute the necessary commands for each microservice in their own directory.
npm run dev
To run the proxy server, by running nginx.exe:
Navigate to the following url to check if the proxy server is running: