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[GAMING GENIE] is an app that utilizes MMOBomb's API to find all kinds of games on MMOBomb's website along with gaming news and giveaways! Users are able to check the minimum requirements, get the description, and get a link to sign up for whatever game they look through.
, JavasScript
, Flexbox
- download or clone the repository
- run
npm install
- ...
Initially, I was struggling to find what API to use. I was thinking of combining an NBA and Youtube API to show highlights of a player searched but I needed to pay for an API key for NBA. Then I was thinking of using's stock API to search news based off a ticker that user chooses but that sounded too boring. Ultimately I chose MMOBombs API since it was really easy to understand. I separated components to components and pages.
Home => Homepage of my website
News => Holds all news data from NewsItem component
Games => Initially holds all game data API sends, users can mess with inputs to filter out games they want
Giveaway => Holds all current giveaways on MMOBombs website
ErrorPage => If user gets cheeky and tries to enter a werid url a 404 page will pop up
GameItem => Component that prints out specific details of a game that a user clicks on
Inputs => Stores all the inputs and dropdown buttons that lets user filter out their game of choosing
Nav => A permanent nav bar that lets user navigate to whatever page they want to see
NewsItem => Stores each array of news data onto the News page
I couldn't grab the screenshots of a single game and place it in the carousel. Refreshing on any other tab other than home tab gives me a Page not found on Netlify. My 404 Page Error doesn't show up when I break url.
I want to create a login system that lets users store their liked and disliked games. I also want to use Redux to manage my states. Autocomplete feature when searching up a game.