3.0.0: SwiftUI & Swift Package
Woo! A release so awesome it skips a version number! (See footnotes for explanation.)
Compare with previous release or latest development branch
Requires Xcode 11, iOS 13 and macOS 10.15 Catalina.
⭐️ Major New Stuff:
- Super Sexy SwiftUI!
- OK is now a proper Swift Package Manager package
- Swift 5.1
⚡️ Massive Improvements:
- Engine initialization and setup
- Streamlined frame cycle updates
- Subclass override/customization points
- More sensible object hierarchy and roles
- Eliminate boilerplate
- Awesome QuickStart template
Thanks to new Swift features (+ an increase in my INT), OK's core objects can now be initialized with much fewer lines of code which make a lot more sense, while still allowing advanced customization.
✨ Fixed and Polished:
- Documentation (now with animated gifs! so hip!)
- Xcode Templates
- Logging
🍱 Miscellaneous:
property wrapper to easily save and read user settings- Various convenience extensions to Apple APIs
This is actually the first "proper" public release, as a full framework that can be "import"ed and used with Xcode project templates without hacks, so it should actually be tagged 1.0, but since OctopusKit has gone through 3 incarnations – first as a simple SpriteKit helper library, then GameplayKit ECS, and now SwiftUI and Swift Package – so the public version might as well reflect that. ^—^
There are still a lot of commonly needed components (like game controller input) yet to be added. Onward to 3.1! \(^▽^)/