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Made predicate failure fields lazy
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Soupstraw committed Jan 27, 2025


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sanjayankur31 Ankur Sinha
1 parent 9d65b0d commit 6e81c88
Showing 25 changed files with 226 additions and 226 deletions.
26 changes: 13 additions & 13 deletions eras/allegra/impl/src/Cardano/Ledger/Allegra/Rules/Utxo.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -70,29 +70,29 @@ import Validation
-- ==========================================================

data AllegraUtxoPredFailure era
= BadInputsUTxO !(Set TxIn) -- The bad transaction inputs
= BadInputsUTxO (Set TxIn) -- The bad transaction inputs
| OutsideValidityIntervalUTxO
!ValidityInterval -- transaction's validity interval
!SlotNo -- current slot
| MaxTxSizeUTxO !(Mismatch 'RelLTEQ Integer)
ValidityInterval -- transaction's validity interval
SlotNo -- current slot
| MaxTxSizeUTxO (Mismatch 'RelLTEQ Integer)
| InputSetEmptyUTxO
| FeeTooSmallUTxO !(Mismatch 'RelGTEQ Coin)
| ValueNotConservedUTxO !(Mismatch 'RelEQ (Value era)) -- Consumed, then produced
| FeeTooSmallUTxO (Mismatch 'RelGTEQ Coin)
| ValueNotConservedUTxO (Mismatch 'RelEQ (Value era)) -- Consumed, then produced
| WrongNetwork
!Network -- the expected network id
!(Set Addr) -- the set of addresses with incorrect network IDs
Network -- the expected network id
(Set Addr) -- the set of addresses with incorrect network IDs
| WrongNetworkWithdrawal
!Network -- the expected network id
!(Set RewardAccount) -- the set of reward addresses with incorrect network IDs
Network -- the expected network id
(Set RewardAccount) -- the set of reward addresses with incorrect network IDs
| OutputTooSmallUTxO
![TxOut era] -- list of supplied transaction outputs that are too small
[TxOut era] -- list of supplied transaction outputs that are too small
| UpdateFailure (EraRuleFailure "PPUP" era) -- Subtransition Failures
| OutputBootAddrAttrsTooBig
![TxOut era] -- list of supplied bad transaction outputs
[TxOut era] -- list of supplied bad transaction outputs
| -- Kept for backwards compatibility: no longer used because the `MultiAsset` type of mint doesn't allow for this possibility
TriesToForgeADA -- TODO: remove
| OutputTooBigUTxO
![TxOut era] -- list of supplied bad transaction outputs
[TxOut era] -- list of supplied bad transaction outputs
deriving (Generic)

type instance EraRuleFailure "UTXO" AllegraEra = AllegraUtxoPredFailure AllegraEra
28 changes: 14 additions & 14 deletions eras/alonzo/impl/src/Cardano/Ledger/Alonzo/Plutus/Evaluate.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -245,40 +245,40 @@ evalPlutusScriptsWithLogs (plutusWithContext : rest) =
data TransactionScriptFailure era
= -- | A redeemer was supplied which points to a script hash which
-- we cannot connect to a Plutus script.
RedeemerPointsToUnknownScriptHash !(PlutusPurpose AsIx era)
RedeemerPointsToUnknownScriptHash (PlutusPurpose AsIx era)
| -- | Missing redeemer.
-- | Redeemer pointer which cannot be resolved
!(PlutusPurpose AsIx era)
(PlutusPurpose AsIx era)
-- | Map of pointers which can be resolved together with PlutusScripts and their
-- respective contexts
!( Map
( Map
(PlutusPurpose AsIx era)
(PlutusPurpose AsItem era, Maybe (PlutusScript era), ScriptHash)
| -- | Missing datum.
MissingDatum !DataHash
MissingDatum DataHash
| -- | Plutus evaluation error, for any version
-- | Supplied execution units in the transaction, which were ignored for calculating
-- the actual execution units.
| -- | A redeemer points to a transaction input which is not
-- present in the current UTxO.
UnknownTxIn !TxIn
UnknownTxIn TxIn
| -- | A redeemer points to a transaction input which is not
-- plutus locked.
InvalidTxIn !TxIn
InvalidTxIn TxIn
| -- | The execution budget that was calculated by the Plutus
-- evaluator is out of bounds.
IncompatibleBudget !P.ExBudget
IncompatibleBudget P.ExBudget
| -- | There was no cost model for a given version of Plutus in the ledger state
NoCostModelInLedgerState !Language
NoCostModelInLedgerState Language
| -- | Error that can happen during plutus context translation
ContextError !(ContextError era)
ContextError (ContextError era)

deriving instance
( Era era
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion eras/alonzo/impl/src/Cardano/Ledger/Alonzo/Rules/Bbody.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ import NoThunks.Class (NoThunks (..))

data AlonzoBbodyPredFailure era
= ShelleyInAlonzoBbodyPredFailure (ShelleyBbodyPredFailure era)
| TooManyExUnits !(Mismatch 'RelLTEQ ExUnits)
| TooManyExUnits (Mismatch 'RelLTEQ ExUnits)
deriving (Generic)

newtype AlonzoBbodyEvent era
42 changes: 21 additions & 21 deletions eras/alonzo/impl/src/Cardano/Ledger/Alonzo/Rules/Utxo.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -118,58 +118,58 @@ import Validation
data AlonzoUtxoPredFailure era
= -- | The bad transaction inputs
!(Set TxIn)
(Set TxIn)
| OutsideValidityIntervalUTxO
-- | transaction's validity interval
-- | current slot
| MaxTxSizeUTxO !(Mismatch 'RelLTEQ Integer)
| MaxTxSizeUTxO (Mismatch 'RelLTEQ Integer)
| InputSetEmptyUTxO
| FeeTooSmallUTxO !(Mismatch 'RelGTEQ Coin)
| ValueNotConservedUTxO !(Mismatch 'RelEQ (Value era))
| FeeTooSmallUTxO (Mismatch 'RelGTEQ Coin)
| ValueNotConservedUTxO (Mismatch 'RelEQ (Value era))
| -- | the set of addresses with incorrect network IDs
-- | the expected network id
-- | the set of addresses with incorrect network IDs
!(Set Addr)
(Set Addr)
| WrongNetworkWithdrawal
-- | the expected network id
-- | the set of reward addresses with incorrect network IDs
!(Set RewardAccount)
(Set RewardAccount)
| -- | list of supplied transaction outputs that are too small
![TxOut era]
[TxOut era]
| -- | Subtransition Failures
UtxosFailure (PredicateFailure (EraRule "UTXOS" era))
| -- | list of supplied bad transaction outputs
![TxOut era]
[TxOut era]
| -- Kept for backwards compatibility: no longer used because the `MultiAsset` type of mint doesn't allow for this possibility
| -- | list of supplied bad transaction output triples (actualSize,PParameterMaxValue,TxOut)
![(Integer, Integer, TxOut era)]
[(Integer, Integer, TxOut era)]
| InsufficientCollateral
-- | balance computed
-- | the required collateral for the given fee
| -- | The UTxO entries which have the wrong kind of script
!(UTxO era)
| ExUnitsTooBigUTxO !(Mismatch 'RelLTEQ ExUnits)
(UTxO era)
| ExUnitsTooBigUTxO (Mismatch 'RelLTEQ ExUnits)
| -- | The inputs marked for use as fees contain non-ADA tokens
CollateralContainsNonADA !(Value era)
CollateralContainsNonADA (Value era)
| -- | Wrong Network ID in body
WrongNetworkInTxBody !(Mismatch 'RelEQ Network)
WrongNetworkInTxBody (Mismatch 'RelEQ Network)
| -- | slot number outside consensus forecast range
| -- | There are too many collateral inputs
TooManyCollateralInputs !(Mismatch 'RelLTEQ Natural)
TooManyCollateralInputs (Mismatch 'RelLTEQ Natural)
| NoCollateralInputs
deriving (Generic)

16 changes: 8 additions & 8 deletions eras/alonzo/impl/src/Cardano/Ledger/Alonzo/Rules/Utxow.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -92,26 +92,26 @@ import Validation
-- | The Predicate failure type in the Alonzo Era. It embeds the Predicate
-- failure type of the Shelley Era, as they share some failure modes.
data AlonzoUtxowPredFailure era
= ShelleyInAlonzoUtxowPredFailure !(ShelleyUtxowPredFailure era)
= ShelleyInAlonzoUtxowPredFailure (ShelleyUtxowPredFailure era)
| -- | List of scripts for which no redeemers were supplied
![(PlutusPurpose AsItem era, ScriptHash)]
[(PlutusPurpose AsItem era, ScriptHash)]
| MissingRequiredDatums
-- TODO: Make this NonEmpty #4066

-- | Set of missing data hashes
!(Set DataHash)
(Set DataHash)
-- | Set of received data hashes
!(Set DataHash)
(Set DataHash)
| NotAllowedSupplementalDatums
-- TODO: Make this NonEmpty #4066

-- | Set of unallowed data hashes
!(Set DataHash)
(Set DataHash)
-- | Set of acceptable supplemental data hashes
!(Set DataHash)
(Set DataHash)
| PPViewHashesDontMatch
!(Mismatch 'RelEQ (StrictMaybe ScriptIntegrityHash))
(Mismatch 'RelEQ (StrictMaybe ScriptIntegrityHash))
| -- | Set of witnesses which were needed and not supplied
MissingRequiredSigners -- TODO: remove once in Conway. It is now redundant. See #3972
(Set (KeyHash 'Witness))
@@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ data AlonzoUtxowPredFailure era
(Set TxIn)
| -- | List of redeemers not needed
![PlutusPurpose AsIx era]
[PlutusPurpose AsIx era]
deriving (Generic)

type instance EraRuleFailure "UTXOW" AlonzoEra = AlonzoUtxowPredFailure AlonzoEra
10 changes: 5 additions & 5 deletions eras/babbage/impl/src/Cardano/Ledger/Babbage/Rules/Utxo.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -108,20 +108,20 @@ import Validation (Validation, failureIf, failureUnless)

-- | Predicate failure for the Babbage Era
data BabbageUtxoPredFailure era
= AlonzoInBabbageUtxoPredFailure !(AlonzoUtxoPredFailure era) -- Inherited from Alonzo
= AlonzoInBabbageUtxoPredFailure (AlonzoUtxoPredFailure era) -- Inherited from Alonzo
| -- | The collateral is not equivalent to the total collateral asserted by the transaction
-- | collateral provided
-- | collateral amount declared in transaction body
| -- | list of supplied transaction outputs that are too small,
-- together with the minimum value for the given output.
![(TxOut era, Coin)]
[(TxOut era, Coin)]
| -- | TxIns that appear in both inputs and reference inputs
!(NonEmpty TxIn)
(NonEmpty TxIn)
deriving (Generic)

type instance EraRuleFailure "UTXO" BabbageEra = BabbageUtxoPredFailure BabbageEra
8 changes: 4 additions & 4 deletions eras/babbage/impl/src/Cardano/Ledger/Babbage/Rules/Utxow.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -92,15 +92,15 @@ import NoThunks.Class (InspectHeapNamed (..), NoThunks (..))
import Validation (failureUnless)

data BabbageUtxowPredFailure era
= AlonzoInBabbageUtxowPredFailure !(AlonzoUtxowPredFailure era) -- TODO: embed and translate
= AlonzoInBabbageUtxowPredFailure (AlonzoUtxowPredFailure era) -- TODO: embed and translate
| -- | Embed UTXO rule failures
UtxoFailure !(PredicateFailure (EraRule "UTXO" era))
UtxoFailure (PredicateFailure (EraRule "UTXO" era))
| -- | the set of malformed script witnesses
!(Set ScriptHash)
(Set ScriptHash)
| -- | the set of malformed script witnesses
!(Set ScriptHash)
(Set ScriptHash)
deriving (Generic)

type instance EraRuleFailure "UTXOW" BabbageEra = BabbageUtxowPredFailure BabbageEra
10 changes: 5 additions & 5 deletions eras/conway/impl/src/Cardano/Ledger/Conway/Rules/Bbody.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -91,12 +91,12 @@ maxRefScriptSizePerBlock :: Int
maxRefScriptSizePerBlock = 1024 * 1024 -- 1MiB

data ConwayBbodyPredFailure era
= WrongBlockBodySizeBBODY !(Mismatch 'RelEQ Int)
| InvalidBodyHashBBODY !(Mismatch 'RelEQ (Hash HASH EraIndependentBlockBody))
= WrongBlockBodySizeBBODY (Mismatch 'RelEQ Int)
| InvalidBodyHashBBODY (Mismatch 'RelEQ (Hash HASH EraIndependentBlockBody))
| -- | LEDGERS rule subtransition Failures
LedgersFailure !(PredicateFailure (EraRule "LEDGERS" era))
| TooManyExUnits !(Mismatch 'RelLTEQ ExUnits)
| BodyRefScriptsSizeTooBig !(Mismatch 'RelLTEQ Int)
LedgersFailure (PredicateFailure (EraRule "LEDGERS" era))
| TooManyExUnits (Mismatch 'RelLTEQ ExUnits)
| BodyRefScriptsSizeTooBig (Mismatch 'RelLTEQ Int)
deriving (Generic)

deriving instance
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions eras/conway/impl/src/Cardano/Ledger/Conway/Rules/Certs.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -113,9 +113,9 @@ instance (EraPParams era, NFData (Tx era)) => NFData (CertsEnv era)
data ConwayCertsPredFailure era
= -- | Withdrawals that are missing or do not withdrawal the entire amount
!(Map.Map RewardAccount Coin)
(Map.Map RewardAccount Coin)
| -- | CERT rule subtransition Failures
CertFailure !(PredicateFailure (EraRule "CERT" era))
CertFailure (PredicateFailure (EraRule "CERT" era))
deriving (Generic)

type instance EraRuleFailure "CERTS" ConwayEra = ConwayCertsPredFailure ConwayEra
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions eras/conway/impl/src/Cardano/Ledger/Conway/Rules/Gov.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -165,11 +165,11 @@ data ConwayGovPredFailure era
| MalformedProposal (GovAction era)
| ProposalProcedureNetworkIdMismatch RewardAccount Network
| TreasuryWithdrawalsNetworkIdMismatch (Set.Set RewardAccount) Network
| ProposalDepositIncorrect !(Mismatch 'RelEQ Coin)
| ProposalDepositIncorrect (Mismatch 'RelEQ Coin)
| -- | Some governance actions are not allowed to be voted on by certain types of
-- Voters. This failure lists all governance action ids with their respective voters
-- that are not allowed to vote on those governance actions.
DisallowedVoters !(NonEmpty (Voter, GovActionId))
DisallowedVoters (NonEmpty (Voter, GovActionId))
| ConflictingCommitteeUpdate
-- | Credentials that are mentioned as members to be both removed and added
(Set.Set (Credential 'ColdCommitteeRole))
@@ -182,7 +182,7 @@ data ConwayGovPredFailure era
-- | The PrevGovActionId of the HardForkInitiation that fails
(StrictMaybe (GovPurposeId 'HardForkPurpose era))
-- | Its protocol version and the protocal version of the previous gov-action pointed to by the proposal
!(Mismatch 'RelGT ProtVer)
(Mismatch 'RelGT ProtVer)
| InvalidPolicyHash
-- | The policy script hash in the proposal
(StrictMaybe ScriptHash)
12 changes: 6 additions & 6 deletions eras/conway/impl/src/Cardano/Ledger/Conway/Rules/GovCert.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -114,15 +114,15 @@ deriving instance EraPParams era => Show (ConwayGovCertEnv era)
deriving instance EraPParams era => Eq (ConwayGovCertEnv era)

data ConwayGovCertPredFailure era
= ConwayDRepAlreadyRegistered !(Credential 'DRepRole)
| ConwayDRepNotRegistered !(Credential 'DRepRole)
| ConwayDRepIncorrectDeposit !(Mismatch 'RelEQ Coin)
| ConwayCommitteeHasPreviouslyResigned !(Credential 'ColdCommitteeRole)
| ConwayDRepIncorrectRefund !(Mismatch 'RelEQ Coin)
= ConwayDRepAlreadyRegistered (Credential 'DRepRole)
| ConwayDRepNotRegistered (Credential 'DRepRole)
| ConwayDRepIncorrectDeposit (Mismatch 'RelEQ Coin)
| ConwayCommitteeHasPreviouslyResigned (Credential 'ColdCommitteeRole)
| ConwayDRepIncorrectRefund (Mismatch 'RelEQ Coin)
| -- | Predicate failure whenever an update to an unknown committee member is
-- attempted. Current Constitutional Committee and all available proposals will be
-- searched before reporting this predicate failure.
ConwayCommitteeIsUnknown !(Credential 'ColdCommitteeRole)
ConwayCommitteeIsUnknown (Credential 'ColdCommitteeRole)
deriving (Show, Eq, Generic)

type instance EraRuleFailure "GOVCERT" ConwayEra = ConwayGovCertPredFailure ConwayEra
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