First compile caffe, by configuring
"Makefile.config" (example given in Makefile.config.example)
then make with
$ make -j 5 all tools pycaffe
(this assumes you compiled the code sucessfully)
IMPORTANT: make sure there is no other caffe version in your python and system paths and set up your environment with:
$ source
This will configure all paths for you. Then go to the model folder and download models:
$ cd models
$ ./
Extract temporal optical flow features from activity recogntion datasets: *Activity recogntion datasets can be downloaded from the following Links
- (UCF101)
- (UCF50)
$ python scripts/
Change paths in code: Line No 16,18,19
First you need to prepare the training data using
$ python scripts/
Change path in code: Line No. 147
Testing video using trained multi-layer LSTM
$ scripts/
Change paths: Line 40, 62, 63, 175
This code can only be used for research purposes:
- If you want to use this code for commercial purpose, please see the license information of Flownet2 in the following link
Ullah, A., Muhammad, K., Baik, S. W. (2018). Activity Recognition using Temporal Optical Flow Convolutional Features and Multi-Layer LSTM. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics.
Ullah, A., Ahmad, J., Muhammad, K., Sajjad, M., & Baik, S. W. (2018). Action Recognition in Video Sequences using Deep Bi- Directional LSTM With CNN Features. IEEE Access, 6, 1155-1166.
Ilg E, Mayer N, Saikia T, Keuper M, Dosovitskiy A, Brox T. Flownet 2.0: Evolution of optical flow estimation with deep networks. InIEEE conference on computer vision and pattern recognition (CVPR) 2017 Jul 1 (Vol. 2, p. 6).