The Integral subgraph (SG) aims to provide a similar dataset and schema as the Uniswap subgraph.
yarn prepare:<mainnet|arbitrum>
yarn codegen
yarn build
Build the project (see above). Then, log in to The Graph with your GitHub account and go to your hosted service dashboard here:
Your access token will be shown on the page. Store it on your machine (you'll only have to do it once):
graph auth --product hosted-service <ACCESS_TOKEN>
If the subgraph hasn't been created, you can create it from your dashboard.
Make sure that the "deploy" command in package.json
has the correct SG name:
"deploy": "graph deploy --node <GITHUB_USERNAME>/<SUBGRAPH_NAME>"
For example:
"deploy": "graph deploy --node IntegralHQ/integral-size"
yarn deploy:<mainnet|arbitrum>