####Ethereum Language Graph
Understanding the connection of blockchain, bitcoin and Ethereum terms in a textual context in order to define an Ethereum Language based on the way people write about the topic in the internet.
Capture data such a text messages and build a data set based on counting the frequency of special terms appearing together in a sentence in comparison to their total appearance in the whole text. A measurement which reflects the relationship: the more often two or more terms appear together the stronger the connection they seems to have. Use data set to build and visualize networks to discover and explore the language patterns.
A word list including all the terms of interest, with a special focus on Ethereum specific terms and general blockchain concept perceptions. Choose medium for its article format and general high level content produced by individuals
Step: Prototype Analysis, please see here Word list which will be analysed in this medium article
Step: If the prototype graph will make sense, second step will be to extend the source (100 medium articles about Ethereum, 100 about Bitcoin and 100 about blockchain) rerun the analysis, building a reasonable network in Gephi with the objective to finish with with personalized visualization in D3.js.