Important: In a recent update, Valve changed some code and changed a bunch of stuff. MP is a bit harder to do now - and may be near impossible. Using older files could fix the problem though.
Currently, this is more focused on the Non-VR aspect of things, however I may add a officially VR supported mode in the future
The goal of this is to recreate HL2DM in the HLA Engine/S2
One of the issues with HLA's code is much of it is singleplayer only, therefore making some things unstable
Install Jan4V's Non-VR Patch (now fixes dedicated servers like mine did)
Jan4V's patch:
Download this resporitory, and drag and drop hladm into YourSteamappsDir\Half-Life Alyx\game
Make a shortcut to your hlnonvr.exe with the launch options: -game hladm -console -vconsole -developer -dev
-game hladm -dedicated -allow_no_lobby_connect -maxplayers 16 -tickrate 64
(make sure you type map mapname in server console, lobbys do not exist)
There is a included map, test_dm - It has all of the models precached and is good for testing
You may have minor issues with getting it to work/installation
I plan to pack this all into some VPKs when finished, making installation easier and more reliable
- I plan to make a installer in the near future
It is actively being worked on by me and some others (credits in files), notably JJl77 and Jan4V
I plan to port HL2DM maps/etc to this
Want to make a custom map? Make sure you check out the map guidelines
- Weapons(including sounds)
- Flashlight and jump fix
- MP Player models(randomized, may make selectable)
- TODO: MP Animations
- TODO: Scoreboard
- TODO: All MP related VGUI(chat, etc)
- TODO: Custom/randomized map spawn locations
- TODO: Port HL2DM Maps, Models, and Materials
Yes! Make a pull request to the dev branch, and I'll happily look in to, and possibly accept it!
(preferably with stuff listed as "TODO:" or any cool new additions, fixes, etc)