pip install accelerate
# setting
In which compute environment are you running? ➔ This machine
Which type of machine are you using? ➔ Multi-GPU
Do you wish to optimize your script with torch dynamo? [yes/NO] ➔ Enter
Do you want to use DeepSpeed? [yes/NO] ➔ Enter
What GPU(s) (by id) should be used for training on this machine as a comma-seperated list? [all] ➔ Enter
Do you wish to use FP16 or BF16 (mixed precision)? ➔ Enter
accelerate config
# run
accelerate launch scripts/train.py # single or multi GPU
accelerate launch --multi_gpu --num_processes 4 --gpu_ids=0,1,2,3 --main_process_port=3456 scripts/train.py # multi GPU
- set accelerate configs
- modify the run_id in the configs.jsonnet file.
- configure the saving_data_names in the core.model.init.
- AttributeError: 'EfficientNet' object has no attribute 'act1'
- If you face an error above, do this >> pip install timm==0.5.4
- ref: autonomousvision/projected-gan#88
- 'Unable to find a valid cuDNN algorithm to run convolution'
- try reducing the batch size.
[x] Replace config class with dictionary
[x] Make the code to copy "MyModel" to "train_result"
[x] Combine "imgs_train" and "imgs_valid"
[x] Rename {model, loss}_interface to {model, loss}
[x] Divide "lib/dataset.py" to "MyModel/dataset.py" and "lib/dataset.py"
[x] Remove "packages" directory
[x] Add automatic numbering for training runs, starting from 000
[x] Add test mode code
[x] Automatically divide train/valid dataset from whole dataset.
[x] When you want to continue finished train before, you only write training number in "config.yaml" file
[x] Add train/eval mode select code
[x] Fix Lpips checkpoint path
[x] Modify minor things in "lib/nets.py" - By 1zong2
[x] lib/dataset.py line 25: train_dataset_dict >> test_dataset_dict
[x] train_dataset_dict does not defined when DO_VALID is False
[x] valid loss should be initialized to 0 when the do_validation function is called
[x] set F.interpolate to bilinear mode
[x] set beta of Adam optimizer [0, 0.999] as default
[x] set_networks_test_mode > set_networks_eval_mode
[x] add ID loss
[x] sort data paths list
[x] add an example of the package importing
[x] delete sampler of valid dataloader
[x] sys.path.append(CONFIG['BASE']['PACKAGES_PATH']) @scripts/trian.py
[x] error occurs when the Dataset returns only one variable.
[x] replace config with jsonnet
[x] add ddp port num to config file
[x] fix a bug in the calculation of valid loss
[x] G_{str(iter).zfill(8)}, D_{str(iter).zfill(8)}
[x] use lpips library
[x] rename 'MyModel' to 'core'
[x] change conditional statements: 'W_VGG' in self.CONFIG['LOSS'] --> if self.CONFIG['LOSS']['W_VGG']
[x] change image saving funtion: from PIL.Image.save to cv2.imwrite
[x] change return type of DATASET from list to dictionary
[x] change related paths in lib.discriminators.pg_modules
[x] format the code using 'black' # black your_file.py / black your_dir
[x] modify lib/model.py, core/model.py, scripts/train.py
[x] add RUN_ID to accelerator.tracker