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flutter_user Documentation


flutter_user is a comprehensive Flutter package designed to simplify user authentication flows in your apps. It offers customizable screens and configurations for handling login, registration, password recovery (forgot password), and onboarding processes.

This package prioritizes flexibility and ease of integration, allowing developers to:

  • Quickly incorporate user authentication with minimal setup.
  • Tailor the user experience through extensive customization options.

Table of Contents

  1. Installation
  2. Setup and Initialization
  3. Main Components
    • FlutterUserNavigatorUserstory
    • User Repositories
  4. Customization and Configuration
    • FlutterUserOptions
    • LoginOptions
    • ForgotPasswordOptions
    • RegistrationOptions
    • Translations
  5. Callbacks and Error Handling
  6. Example Usage
  7. Advanced Customization
  8. Troubleshooting
  9. Contributing
  10. Author


To use flutter_user in your Flutter project, add it as a dependency in your pubspec.yaml file:

      ref: <Version>
      path: packages/flutter_user

Replace <Version> with the specific version or commit hash you want to use.

Setup and Initialization

  1. Ensure you have the necessary dependencies set up in your project, especially if you're integrating with a backend service like Firebase.
  2. Import the flutter_user package in your Dart files:
import 'package:flutter_user/flutter_user.dart';
  1. Initialize the FlutterUserNavigatorUserstory widget in your app's MaterialApp or CupertinoApp. This widget manages navigation between the authentication screens:
class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {
  const MyApp({super.key});

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return MaterialApp(
      title: "Flutter User Example",
      home: FlutterUserNavigatorUserstory(
        afterLoginScreen: HomeScreen(),
        options: FlutterUserOptions(
          // Custom options go here

Main Components

1. FlutterUserNavigatorUserstory

This is the core component of flutter_user. It manages navigation between various authentication screens like login, registration, forgot password, and onboarding.

Key Properties:

Property Type Description Default
afterLoginScreen Widget Screen to display after a successful login null (required)
afterRegistration Widget Screen to display after successful registration null
userRepository UserRepositoryInterface User repository handling authentication operations LocalUserRepository()
options FlutterUserOptions Customization options for the user experience FlutterUserOptions()

2. User Repositories

flutter_user is designed to work with any backend by implementing the UserRepositoryInterface. This interface defines the necessary methods for user authentication operations.


Methods to implement:

  • Future<LoginResponse> loginWithEmailAndPassword({required String email, required String password});
  • Future<RegistrationResponse> register({required Map<String, dynamic> values});
  • Future<RequestPasswordResponse> requestChangePassword({required String email});
  • Future<bool> logout();
  • Future<bool> isLoggedIn();
  • Future<dynamic> getLoggedInUser();

Default Implementation:

  • LocalUserRepository: A mock implementation useful for testing or offline scenarios.

Example with Firebase:

To use Firebase as your backend, implement the UserRepositoryInterface using firebase_auth and cloud_firestore:

import 'package:firebase_auth/firebase_auth.dart';
import 'package:cloud_firestore/cloud_firestore.dart';
import 'package:user_repository_interface/user_repository_interface.dart';

class FirebaseUserRepository implements UserRepositoryInterface {
  final FirebaseAuth _firebaseAuth = FirebaseAuth.instance;

  Future<LoginResponse> loginWithEmailAndPassword({required String email, required String password}) {
    // Implement login logic using Firebase

  // Implement other methods...

Customization and Configuration

flutter_user provides extensive customization options to tailor the user interface and behavior to your application's needs.


The FlutterUserOptions class centralizes customization for the user authentication flow.


Property Type Description Default
loginOptions LoginOptions Customization options for the login screen LoginOptions()
forgotPasswordOptions ForgotPasswordOptions Customization options for the forgot password screen ForgotPasswordOptions()
registrationOptions RegistrationOptions Customization options for the registration screen RegistrationOptions()
beforeLogin Future<void> Function() Callback before login attempt null
afterLogin Future<void> Function() Callback after successful login null
onRegister Future<void> Function() Callback after registration is completed null
useOnboarding bool Whether to use the onboarding process false
onOnboardingComplete Future<void> Function() Callback after onboarding is completed null
onForgotPassword Future<void> Function(String) Callback when the forgot password process is initiated null


Customize the login screen's appearance and behavior.

Key Properties:

  • initialEmail: Pre-fill the email input field. (String)
  • initialPassword: Pre-fill the password input field. (String)
  • emailDecoration: Input decoration for the email field. (InputDecoration)
  • passwordDecoration: Input decoration for the password field. (InputDecoration)
  • emailTextAlign: Text alignment for the email field. (TextAlign)
  • passwordTextAlign: Text alignment for the password field. (TextAlign)
  • loginButtonBuilder: Custom builder for the login button. (Widget Function(BuildContext context, VoidCallback onPressed, bool disabled, VoidCallback onDisabledPress, FlutterUserOptions options))
  • forgotPasswordButtonBuilder: Custom builder for the forgot password button. (Widget Function(BuildContext context, VoidCallback onPressed))
  • registrationButtonBuilder: Custom builder for the registration button. (Widget Function(BuildContext context, VoidCallback onPressed))
  • image: Widget to display an image or logo on the login screen. (Widget)
  • spacers: LoginSpacerOptions to adjust spacing between elements. (LoginSpacerOptions)


Customize the forgot password screen's appearance and behavior.

Key Properties:

  • forgotPasswordBackgroundColor: Background color of the screen. (Color)
  • forgotPasswordCustomAppBar: Custom app bar widget. (Widget)
  • forgotPasswordScreenPadding: Padding for the screen content. (EdgeInsets)
  • forgotPasswordSpacerOptions: Adjust spacing using ForgotPasswordSpacerOptions. (ForgotPasswordSpacerOptions)
  • translations: Provide custom text via ForgotPasswordTranslations. (ForgotPasswordTranslations)
  • requestForgotPasswordButtonBuilder: Custom builder for the reset password button. (Widget Function(BuildContext context, VoidCallback onPressed))


Customize the registration process.

Key Properties:

  • steps: Define multi-step registration fields. (List)
  • translations: Provide custom text via RegistrationTranslations. (RegistrationTranslations)
  • customAppbarBuilder: Custom app bar for the registration screen. (Widget Function(BuildContext context))
  • title: Widget for the registration screen title. (Widget)
  • spacerOptions: Adjust spacing using RegistrationSpacerOptions. (RegistrationSpacerOptions)
  • previousButtonBuilder: Custom builder for the “Previous” button. (Widget Function(BuildContext context, VoidCallback onPressed))
  • nextButtonBuilder: Custom builder for the “Next” button. (Widget Function(BuildContext context, VoidCallback onPressed))
  • loginButton: Widget to navigate back to the login screen. (Widget)


Localization support is provided through translation classes:

  • LoginTranslations: Customize text for login screens.
  • ForgotPasswordTranslations: Customize text for forgot password screens.
  • RegistrationTranslations: Customize text for registration screens.

Callbacks and Error Handling


flutter_user provides various callbacks to gracefully handle user actions and errors.

Callback Description
beforeLogin Called before the login attempt is made.
afterLogin Called after a successful login.
onRegister Called after the registration process is completed.
onForgotPassword Called when the user initiates the forgot password process.
onRequestForgotPassword Called after the forgot password request is completed.
onForgotPasswordSuccess Called after a successful password reset request.
onForgotPasswordUnsuccessful Called when the password reset request fails.
onRegistrationError Called when registration fails.
afterRegistration Called after the registration process.
afterRegistrationSuccess Called after successful registration.
afterRegistrationUnsuccessful Called when registration is unsuccessful.

Error Handling

  • Validation Errors:

    • Utilize the built-in LoginValidationService or RegistrationValidationService for validation.
    • Alternatively, provide custom validators for specific needs.
  • Repository Errors:

    • Implement proper error handling in your user repository classes.
    • Utilize the provided UserError model for consistent error reporting.

Example Usage

This example demonstrates setting up flutter_user with custom options and integrating it into your app.

import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:flutter_user/flutter_user.dart';
import 'package:user_repository_interface/user_repository_interface.dart';

void main() {
  runApp(const MyApp());

class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {
  const MyApp({super.key});

  // Define your home screen after login
  Widget get homeScreen => const HomeScreen();

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return MaterialApp(
      title: 'Flutter User Example',
      theme: ThemeData(
      home: FlutterUserNavigatorUserstory(
        afterLoginScreen: homeScreen,
        options: FlutterUserOptions(
          loginOptions: LoginOptions(
            initialEmail: '',
            emailDecoration: const InputDecoration(
              labelText: 'Email',
            passwordDecoration: const InputDecoration(
              labelText: 'Password',
            image: Image.asset('assets/logo.png'),
          registrationOptions: RegistrationOptions(
            steps: [
              // Add more steps if necessary
          afterLogin: () async {
            // Navigate to a different screen or perform other actions
          useOnboarding: true,

class HomeScreen extends StatelessWidget {
  const HomeScreen({super.key});

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Scaffold(
      // Your home screen content

Advanced Customization

Custom Widgets and Builders

For more control over UI components, provide custom widgets and builders in the options classes.

Example: Custom Login Button Builder

loginOptions: LoginOptions(
  loginButtonBuilder: (context, onPressed, disabled, onDisabledPress, options) {
    return ElevatedButton(
      onPressed: disabled ? null : onPressed,
      child: Text('Sign In'),


Common Issues

  • Firebase Setup: Ensure Firebase is correctly configured in your Flutter app. Refer to the official Firebase Flutter setup guide for instructions.
  • Dependency Conflicts: Check for version conflicts between dependencies, especially between firebase_auth and cloud_firestore.
  • Validation Errors: If custom validation isn't working as expected, verify that your custom validation service is correctly implemented and assigned in the LoginOptions.


  • Logging: Utilize Flutter's debugging tools and print statements to trace issues during development.
  • Error Messages: Pay close attention to error messages returned by the user repository. These messages can help identify and resolve issues promptly.


We welcome contributions to improve flutter_user, whether it's enhancing documentation, fixing bugs, or adding new features. Please follow the Contribution Guide and submit your pull requests on GitHub.


flutter_user is developed and maintained by Iconica. For questions, support, or commercial inquiries, please contact them at