A simple daemon for enhancing available outputs for Falco. It takes a falco's event and forwards it to different outputs.
It works as a single endpoint for as many as you want falco
instances :
Currently available outputs are :
- Slack
- Rocketchat
- Mattermost
- Teams
- Datadog
- Discord
- AlertManager
- Elasticsearch
- Loki
- Influxdb
- AWS Lambda
- SMTP (email)
- Opsgenie
- StatsD (for monitoring of
) - DogStatsD (for monitoring of
) - Webhook
- Azure Event Hubs
- Prometheus (for both events and monitoring of
) - GCP PubSub
Run the daemon as any other daemon in your architecture (systemd, k8s daemonset, swarm service, ...)
docker run -d -p 2801:2801 -e SLACK_WEBHOOKURL=XXXX -e DATADOG_APIKEY=XXXX falcosecurity/falcosidekick
See https://github.com/falcosecurity/charts/blob/master/falcosidekick/README.md
helm repo add falcosecurity https://falcosecurity.github.io/charts
helm repo update
helm install falcosidekick --set config.debug=true falcosecurity/falcosidekick
If installing falco with helm, set this (adapted to your environment) in your values.yaml :
jsonOutput: true
jsonIncludeOutputProperty: true
enabled: true
url: "http://localhost:2801/"
jsonOutput: true
jsonIncludeOutputProperty: true
enabled: true
keepAlive: false
program: "curl -d @- localhost:2801/"
If managing falco.yaml manually, set this:
json_output: true
json_include_output_property: true
enabled: true
url: "http://localhost:2801/"
Configuration is made by file (yaml) and env vars, both can be used but env vars override values from file.
See config_example.yaml :
#listenport: 2801 # port to listen for daemon (default: 2801)
debug: false # if true all outputs will print in stdout the payload they send (default: false)
customfields: # custom fields are added to falco events
Akey: "AValue"
Bkey: "BValue"
Ckey: "CValue"
checkCert: true # check if ssl certificate of the output is valid (default: true)
webhookurl: "" # Slack WebhookURL (ex: https://hooks.slack.com/services/XXXX/YYYY/ZZZZ), if not empty, Slack output is enabled
#footer: "" # Slack footer
#icon: "" # Slack icon (avatar)
#username: "" # Slack username (default: Falcosidekick)
outputformat: "all" # all (default), text, fields
minimumpriority: "debug" # minimum priority of event for using this output, order is emergency|alert|critical|error|warning|notice|informational|debug or "" (default)
messageformat: "Alert : rule *{{ .Rule }}* triggered by user *{{ index .OutputFields \"user.name\" }}*" # a Go template to format Slack Text above Attachment, displayed in addition to the output from `SLACK_OUTPUTFORMAT`, see [Slack Message Formatting](#slack-message-formatting) in the README for details. If empty, no Text is displayed before Attachment.
webhookurl: "" # Rocketchat WebhookURL (ex: http://XXXX/hooks/YYYY), if not empty, Rocketchat output is enabled
#icon: "" # Rocketchat icon (avatar)
#username: "" # Rocketchat username (default: Falcosidekick)
outputformat: "all" # all (default), text, fields
minimumpriority: "debug" # minimum priority of event for using this output, order is emergency|alert|critical|error|warning|notice|informational|debug or "" (default)
# messageformat: "Alert : rule *{{ .Rule }}* triggered by user *{{ index .OutputFields \"user.name\" }}*" # a Go template to format Rockatchat Text above Attachment, displayed in addition to the output from `ROCKETCHAT_OUTPUTFORMAT`, see [Slack Message Formatting](#slack-message-formatting) in the README for details. If empty, no Text is displayed before Attachment.
webhookurl: "" # Mattermost WebhookURL (ex: http://XXXX/hooks/YYYY), if not empty, Mattermost output is enabled
#footer: "" # Mattermost footer
#icon: "" # Mattermost icon (avatar)
#username: "" # Mattermost username (default: Falcosidekick)
outputformat: "all" # all (default), text, fields
minimumpriority: "debug" # minimum priority of event for using this output, order is emergency|alert|critical|error|warning|notice|informational|debug or "" (default)
# messageformat: "Alert : rule **{{ .Rule }}** triggered by user **{{ index .OutputFields \"user.name\" }}**" # a Go template to format Mattermost Text above Attachment, displayed in addition to the output from `MATTERMOST_OUTPUTFORMAT`, see [Slack Message Formatting](#slack-message-formatting) in the README for details. If empty, no Text is displayed before Attachment.
webhookurl: "" # Teams WebhookURL (ex: https://hooks.slack.com/services/XXXX/YYYY/ZZZZ), if not empty, Teams output is enabled
#activityimage: "" # Image for message section
outputformat: "text" # all (default), text, facts
minimumpriority: "debug" # minimum priority of event for using this output, order is emergency|alert|critical|error|warning|notice|informational|debug or "" (default)
# apikey: "" # Datadog API Key, if not empty, Datadog output is enabled
# host: "" # Datadog host. Override if you are on the Datadog EU site. Defaults to american site with "https://api.datadoghq.com"
# minimumpriority: "" # minimum priority of event for using this output, order is emergency|alert|critical|error|warning|notice|informational|debug or "" (default)
# hostport: "" # http://{domain or ip}:{port}, if not empty, Alertmanager output is enabled
# minimumpriority: "" # minimum priority of event for using this output, order is emergency|alert|critical|error|warning|notice|informational|debug or "" (default)
# hostport: "" # http://{domain or ip}:{port}, if not empty, Elasticsearch output is enabled
# index: "falco" # index (default: falco)
# type: "event"
# minimumpriority: "" # minimum priority of event for using this output, order is emergency|alert|critical|error|warning|notice|informational|debug or "" (default)
# suffix: "daily" # date suffix for index rotation : daily (default), monthly, annually, none
# hostport: "" # http://{domain or ip}:{port}, if not empty, Influxdb output is enabled
# database: "falco" # Influxdb database (default: falco)
# user: "" # user to use if auth is enabled in Influxdb
# password: "" # pasword to use if auth is enabled in Influxdb
# minimumpriority: "" # minimum priority of event for using this output, order is emergency|alert|critical|error|warning|notice|informational|debug or "" (default)
# hostport: "" # http://{domain or ip}:{port}, if not empty, Loki output is enabled
# minimumpriority: "" # minimum priority of event for using this output, order is emergency|alert|critical|error|warning|notice|informational|debug or "" (default)
# hostport: "" # nats://{domain or ip}:{port}, if not empty, NATS output is enabled
# minimumpriority: "" # minimum priority of event for using this output, order is emergency|alert|critical|error|warning|notice|informational|debug or "" (default)
# accesskeyid: "" # aws access key (optionnal if you use EC2 Instance Profile)
# secretaccesskey: "" # aws secret access key (optionnal if you use EC2 Instance Profile)
# region : "" # aws region (optionnal if you use EC2 Instance Profile)
# functionname : "" # Lambda function name, if not empty, AWS Lambda output is enabled
# minimumpriority: "" # minimum priority of event for using this output, order is emergency|alert|critical|error|warning|notice|informational|debug or "" (default)
# url : "" # SQS Queue URL, if not empty, AWS SQS output is enabled
# minimumpriority: "" # minimum priority of event for using this output, order is emergency|alert|critical|error|warning|notice|informational|debug or "" (default)
# topicarn : "" # SNS TopicArn, if not empty, AWS SNS output is enabled
rawjson: false # Send Raw JSON or parse it (default: false)
# minimumpriority: "" # minimum priority of event for using this output, order is emergency|alert|critical|error|warning|notice|informational|debug or "" (default)
# hostport: "" # host:port address of SMTP server, if not empty, SMTP output is enabled
# user: "" # user to access SMTP server
# password: "" # password to access SMTP server
# from: "" # Sender address (mandatory if SMTP output is enabled)
# to: "" # comma-separated list of Recipident addresses, can't be empty (mandatory if SMTP output is enabled)
# outputformat: "" # html (default), text
# minimumpriority: "" # minimum priority of event for using this output, order is emergency|alert|critical|error|warning|notice|informational|debug or "" (default)
forwarder: "" # The address for the StatsD forwarder, in the form "host:port", if not empty StatsD is enabled
namespace: "falcosidekick." # A prefix for all metrics (default: "falcosidekick.")
forwarder: "" # The address for the DogStatsD forwarder, in the form "host:port", if not empty DogStatsD is enabled
namespace: "falcosidekick." # A prefix for all metrics (default: "falcosidekick.")
# tag :
# key: "value"
# apikey: "2c771471-e2af-4dc6-bd35-e7f6ff479b64" # Opsgenie API Key, if not empty, Opsgenie output is enabled
region: "eu" # (us|eu) region of your domain
# minimumpriority: "" # minimum priority of event for using this output, order is emergency|alert|critical|error|warning|notice|informational|debug or "" (default)
# address: "" # Webhook address, if not empty, Webhook output is enabled
# customHeaders: # Custom headers to add in POST, useful for Authentication
# key: value
# minimumpriority: "" # minimum priority of event for using this output, order is emergency|alert|critical|error|warning|notice|informational|debug or "" (default)
# eventHub:
# name: "" # The name of the Hub, if not empty, EventHub output is enabled
# namespace: "" # The name of the space the Hub is part of
# minimumpriority: "" # minimum priority of event for using this output, order is emergency|alert|critical|error|warning|notice|informational|debug or "" (default)
webhookurl: "" # discord WebhookURL (ex: https://discord.com/api/webhooks/xxxxxxxxxx...), if not empty, Discord output is enabled
# icon: "" # Discord icon (avatar)
# minimumpriority: "debug" # minimum priority of event for using this output, order is emergency|alert|critical|error|warning|notice|informational|debug or "" (default)
credentials: "" # The base64-encoded JSON key file for the GCP service account
projectid: "" # The GCP Project ID containing the Pub/Sub Topic
topic: "" # The name of the Pub/Sub topic
# minimumpriority: "debug" # minimum priority of event for using this output, order is emergency|alert|critical|error|warning|notice|informational|debug or "" (default)
Usage :
usage: falcosidekick [<flags>]
--help Show context-sensitive help (also try --help-long and --help-man).
-c, --config-file=CONFIG-FILE config file
Configuration of the daemon can be made also by env vars, these values override these from yaml file.
The env vars "match" field names in *yaml file with this structure (take care of lower/uppercases) : yaml: a.b --> envvar: A_B
- LISTENPORT : port to listen for daemon (default:
) - DEBUG : if true all outputs will print in stdout the payload they send (default: false)
- CUSTOMFIELDS : a list of comma separated custom fields to add to falco events, syntax is "key:value,key:value"
- CHECKCERT: check if ssl certificate of the output is valid (default:
) - SLACK_WEBHOOKURL : Slack Webhook URL (ex: https://hooks.slack.com/services/XXXX/YYYY/ZZZZ), if not
, Slack output is enabled - SLACK_FOOTER : Slack footer
- SLACK_ICON : Slack icon (avatar)
- SLACK_USERNAME : Slack username (default:
(only text is displayed in Slack),fields
(only fields are displayed in Slack) - SLACK_MINIMUMPRIORITY : minimum priority of event for using use this output, order is
emergency|alert|critical|error|warning|notice|informational|debug or "" (default)
- SLACK_MESSAGEFORMAT : a Go template to format Slack Text above Attachment, displayed in addition to the output from
, see Slack Message Formatting in the README for details. If empty, no Text is displayed before Attachment. - ROCKETCHAT_WEBHOOKURL : Rocketchat Webhook URL (ex: https://XXXX/hooks/YYYY), if not
, Rocketchat output is enabled - ROCKETCHAT_ICON : Rocketchat icon (avatar)
- ROCKETCHAT_USERNAME : Rocketchat username (default:
(only text is displayed in Rocketchat),fields
(only fields are displayed in Rocketchat) - ROCKETCHAT_MINIMUMPRIORITY : minimum priority of event for using use this output, order is
emergency|alert|critical|error|warning|notice|informational|debug or "" (default)
- ROCKETCHAT_MESSAGEFORMAT : a Go template to format Rocketchat Text above Attachment, displayed in addition to the output from
, see Slack Message Formatting in the README for details. If empty, no Text is displayed before Attachment. - MATTERMOST_WEBHOOKURL : Mattermost Webhook URL (ex: https://XXXX/hooks/YYYY), if not
, Mattermost output is enabled - MATTERMOST_FOOTER : Mattermost footer
- MATTERMOST_ICON : Mattermost icon (avatar)
- MATTERMOST_USERNAME : Mattermost username (default:
(only text is displayed in Mattermost),fields
(only fields are displayed in Mattermost) - MATTERMOST_MINIMUMPRIORITY : minimum priority of event for using use this output, order is
emergency|alert|critical|error|warning|notice|informational|debug or "" (default)
- MATTERMOST_MESSAGEFORMAT : a Go template to format Mattermost Text above Attachment, displayed in addition to the output from
, see Mattermost Message Formatting in the README for details. If empty, no Text is displayed before Attachment. - TEAMS_WEBHOOKURL : Teams Webhook URL (ex: https://outlook.office.com/webhook/XXXXXX/IncomingWebhook/YYYYYY"), if not
, Teams output is enabled - TEAMS_ACTIVITYIMAGE : Teams section image
(only text is displayed in Teams),facts
(only facts are displayed in Teams) - TEAMS_MINIMUMPRIORITY : minimum priority of event for using use this output, order is
emergency|alert|critical|error|warning|notice|informational|debug or "" (default)
- DATADOG_APIKEY : Datadog API Key, if not
, Datadog output is enabled - DATADOG_HOST : Datadog host. Override if you are on the Datadog EU site. Defaults to american site with "https://api.datadoghq.com"
- DATADOG_MINIMUMPRIORITY : minimum priority of event for using this output, order is
emergency|alert|critical|error|warning|notice|informational|debug or "" (default)
- DISCORD_WEBHOOKURL : Discord WebhookURL (ex: https://discord.com/api/webhooks/xxxxxxxxxx...), if not empty, Discord output is enabled
- DISCORD_ICON : Discord icon (avatar)
- DISCORD_MINIMUMPRIORITY : minimum priority of event for using use this output, order is
emergency|alert|critical|error|warning|notice|informational|debug or "" (default)
- ALERTMANAGER_HOSTPORT : AlertManager http://host:port, if not
, AlertManager is enabled - ALERTMANAGER_MINIMUMPRIORITY : minimum priority of event for using this output, order is
emergency|alert|critical|error|warning|notice|informational|debug or "" (default)
- ELASTICSEARCH_HOSTPORT : Elasticsearch http://host:port, if not
, Elasticsearch is enabled - ELASTICSEARCH_INDEX : Elasticsearch index (default: falco)
- ELASTICSEARCH_TYPE : Elasticsearch document type (default: event)
- ELASTICSEARCH_MINIMUMPRIORITY : minimum priority of event for using this output, order is
emergency|alert|critical|error|warning|notice|informational|debug or "" (default)
- ELASTICSEARCH_SUFFIX : date suffix for index rotation :
- INFLUXDB_HOSTPORT : Influxdb http://host:port, if not
, Influxdb is enabled - INFLUXDB_DATABASE : Influxdb database (default: falco)
- INFLUXDB_USER : user to use if auth is enabled in Influxdb
- INFLUXDB_PASSWORD : user to use if auth is enabled in Influxdb
- INFLUXDB_MINIMUMPRIORITY : minimum priority of event for using this output, order is
emergency|alert|critical|error|warning|notice|informational|debug or "" (default)
- LOKI_HOSTPORT : Loki http://host:port, if not
, Loki is enabled - LOKI_MINIMUMPRIORITY : minimum priority of event for using this output, order is
emergency|alert|critical|error|warning|notice|informational|debug or "" (default)
- NATS_HOSTPORT : NATS "nats://host:port", if not
, NATS is enabled - NATS_MINIMUMPRIORITY : minimum priority of event for using this output, order is
emergency|alert|critical|error|warning|notice|informational|debug or "" (default)
- AWS_ACCESSKEYID : AWS Access Key Id (optionnal if you use EC2 Instance Profile)
- AWS_SECRETACCESSKEY : AWS Secret Access Key (optionnal if you use EC2 Instance Profile)
- AWS_REGION : AWS Region (optionnal if you use EC2 Instance Profile)
- AWS_LAMBDA_FUNCTIONNAME : AWS Lambda Function Name, if not empty, AWS Lambda output is enabled
- AWS_LAMBDA_MINIMUMPRIORITY : minimum priority of event for using this output, order is
emergency|alert|critical|error|warning|notice|informational|debug or "" (default)
- AWS_SQS_URL : AWS SQS Queue URL, if not empty, AWS SQS output is enabled
- AWS_SQS_MINIMUMPRIORITY : minimum priority of event for using this output, order is
emergency|alert|critical|error|warning|notice|informational|debug or "" (default)
- AWS_SNS_TOPICARN : AWS SNS TopicARN, if not empty, AWS SNS output is enabled
- AWS_SNS_RAWJSON : Send Raw JSON or parse it (default: false)
- AWS_SNS_MINIMUMPRIORITY : minimum priority of event for using this output, order is
emergency|alert|critical|error|warning|notice|informational|debug or "" (default)
- SMTP_HOSTPORT : "host:port" address of SMTP server, if not empty, SMTP output is enabled
- SMTP_USER : user to access SMTP server
- SMTP_PASSWORD : password to access SMTP server
- SMTP_FROM : Sender address (mandatory if SMTP output is enabled)
- SMTP_TO : comma-separated list of Recipident addresses, can't be empty (mandatory if SMTP output is enabled)
- SMTP_OUTPUTFORMAT : "" # html (default), text
- SMTP_MINIMUMPRIORITY : minimum priority of event for using this output, order is
emergency|alert|critical|error|warning|notice|informational|debug or "" (default)
- OPSGENIE_APIKEY : Opsgenie API Key, if not empty, Opsgenie output is enabled
- OPSGENIE_REGION : "" # (us|eu) region of your domain (default is 'us')
- OPSGENIE_MINIMUMPRIORITY : minimum priority of event for using this output, order is
emergency|alert|critical|error|warning|notice|informational|debug or "" (default)
- STATSD_FORWARDER: The address for the StatsD forwarder, in the form http://host:port, if not empty StatsD is enabled
- STATSD_NAMESPACE: A prefix for all metrics (default: "falcosidekick.")
- DOGSTATSD_FORWARDER: The address for the DogStatsD forwarder, in the form http://host:port, if not empty DogStatsD is enabled
- DOGSTATSD_NAMESPACE: A prefix for all metrics (default: falcosidekick."")
- DOGSTATSD_TAGS: A comma-separated list of tags to add to all metrics
- WEBHOOK_ADDRESS : "" # Webhook address, if not empty, Webhook output is enabled
- WEBHOOK_CUSTOMHEADERS : a list of comma separated custom headers to add, syntax is "key:value,key:value"
- WEBHOOK_MINIMUMPRIORITY : minimum priority of event for using this output, order is
emergency|alert|critical|error|warning|notice|informational|debug or "" (default)
- AZURE_EVENTHUB_NAME: Name of the Hub, if not empty, EventHub is enabled
- AZURE_EVENTHUB_NAMESPACE: Name of the space the Hub is in
- AZURE_EVENTHUB_MINIMUMPRIORITY: minimum priority of event for using this output, order is
emergency|alert|critical|error|warning|notice|informational|debug or "" (default)
- GCP_CREDENTIALS: The base64-encoded JSON key file for the GCP service account
- GCP_PUBSUB_PROJECTID: The GCP Project ID containing the Pub/Sub Topic
- GCP_PUBSUB_TOPIC: The name of the Pub/Sub topic
- GCP_PUBSUB_MINIMUMPRIORITY: minimum priority of event for using this output, order is
emergency|alert|critical|error|warning|notice|informational|debug or "" (default)
environment variable and slack.messageformat
YAML value accept a Go template which can be used to format the text of a slack alert. These templates are evaluated on the JSON data from each Falco event - the following fields are available:
Template Syntax | Description |
{{ .Output }} |
A formatted string from Falco describing the event. |
{{ .Priority }} |
The priority of the event, as a string. |
{{ .Rule }} |
The name of the rule that generated the event. |
{{ .Time }} |
The timestamp when the event occurred. |
{{ index .OutputFields \"<field name>\" }} |
A map of additional optional fields emitted depending on the event. These may not be present for every event, in which case they expand to the string <no value> |
Go templates also support some basic methods for text manipulation which can be used to improve the clarity of alerts - see the documentation for details.
Different URI (handlers) are available :
: main and default handler, your falco config must be configured to use it/ping
: you will get apong
as answer, useful to test if falcosidekick is running and its port is opened (for healthcheck purpose for example)/test
: (for debug only) send a test event to all enabled outputs./debug/vars
: get statistics from daemon (in JSON format), it uses classicexpvar
package and some custom values are added/metrics
: prometheus endpoint, for scraping metrics about events andfalcosidekick
All logs are sent to stdout
2019/05/10 14:32:06 [INFO] : Enabled Outputs : Slack Datadog
The daemon exposes the common Golang metrics and some custom values in JSON format. It's useful for monitoring purpose.
The daemon exposes a prometheus
endpoint on URI /metrics
The daemon is able to push its metrics to a StatsD/DogstatsD server. See Configuration section for how-to.
Run you daemon and try (from falco's documentation) :
curl "http://localhost:2801/" -d'{"output":"16:31:56.746609046: Error File below a known binary directory opened for writing (user=root command=touch /bin/hack file=/bin/hack)","priority":"Error","rule":"Write below binary dir","time":"2019-05-17T15:31:56.746609046Z", "output_fields": {"evt.time":1507591916746609046,"fd.name":"/bin/hack","proc.cmdline":"touch /bin/hack","user.name":"root"}}'
You should get :
(SLACK_OUTPUTFORMAT="fields" and SLACK_MESSAGEFORMAT="Alert : rule *{{ .Rule }}* triggered by user *{{ index .OutputFields "user.name" }}*")
(Tip: filter on sources: falco
> use falco
Using database falco
> show series
> select * from events
name: events
time akey bkey ckey priority rule value
---- ---- ---- ---- -------- ---- -----
1560433816893368400 AValue BValue CValue Debug Testrule This is a test from falcosidekick
1560441359119741800 A_Value B_Value C_Value Debug Test_rule This is a test from falcosidekick
go build
Create a debug event
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Accept: application/json" localhost:2801/test
go test ./outputs -count=1 -cover -v
Thomas Labarussias (https://github.com/Issif)