The repo aims to generate a MySql database, representing the relationships between employees, their respective positions and the departments they belong to. Written w/ MySql, Node js, JavaScript, Inquirer, Chalk
Clone the repo to your machine. You will need to have MySql also installed on your machine. You can find a link below to download.
Open the parent directory in your command line / terminal and run mysql -u root -p
(that is, if your mysql username was created as 'root').
Enter your mysql password when prompted.
Open a new command line / terminal window cd to the parent directory again, run npm i
Back to the SQL terminal window run USE company_db
to use the MySql database.
Then run SOURCE schema.sql;
to establish the tables within the database.
Then run SOURCE seeds.sql;
to provide the company with some sample content.
If all of that sounds complicated, see the video below.
When you run node index.js
within your terminal after installation. You will be given the same option as you see in the video demo below.
Fork, contact, critique
This project was built by relentless testing in the terminal itself. As well as developer persistence to understand MySql JOINs. As well as tears and smiles.
visit my github Reach out w/ Additional Questions.
2021 - MIT MIT Info