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marcpouzet committed Oct 27, 2024
1 parent fc19525 commit 32761a3
Showing 1 changed file with 22 additions and 26 deletions.
48 changes: 22 additions & 26 deletions src/compiler/rewrite/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -187,28 +187,19 @@ let equation funs useful eq =
else { eq with eq_desc; eq_write = writes useful eq_write }, useful
| _ -> eq, useful

and remove_block useful ({ b_vars; b_body; b_write; b_env } as b) =
let l_list = (remove_local useful) l_list in
let eq_list = remove_equation_list useful eq_list in
let n_list =
List.filter (fun { vardec_name = x } -> S.mem x useful) n_list in
let n_env = Env.filter (fun x entry -> S.mem x useful) n_env in
let w = S.filter (fun x -> S.mem x useful) w in
{ b with b_vars = n_list; b_locals = l_list; b_body = eq_list;
b_write = { defnames with dv = w }; b_env = n_env }
let block funs useful ({ b_vars; b_body; b_write; b_env } as b) =
let b_body, useful = Mapfold.equation_it funs useful b_body in
let b_vars =
List.filter (fun { var_name = x } -> S.mem x useful) b_vars in
let b_env = Env.filter (fun x entry -> S.mem x useful) b_env in
let dv = S.filter (fun x -> S.mem x useful) b_write.dv in
{ b with b_vars; b_body; b_write = { b_write with dv }; b_env }

and remove_local useful ({ l_eq = eq_list; l_env = l_env } as l) =
let eq_list = remove_equation_list useful eq_list in
let leq funs useful ({ l_eq; l_env } as l) =
let eq, useful = Mapfold.equation_it funs useful l_eq in
let l_env = Env.filter (fun x entry -> S.mem x useful) l_env in
{ l with l_eq = eq_list; l_env = l_env }
{ l with l_eq; l_env = l_env }

(* Compute the set of horizons *)
let horizon read { l_env = l_env } =
let take h { t_sort = sort } acc =
match sort with
| Smem { m_kind = Some(Horizon) } -> S.add h acc | _ -> acc in
Env.fold take l_env read

(* the main entry for expressions. Warning: [e] must be in normal form *)
let exp ({ e_desc = desc } as e) =
match desc with
Expand All @@ -224,10 +215,15 @@ let exp ({ e_desc = desc } as e) =
if eq_list = [] then e_let else { e with e_desc = Elet(l, e_let) }
| _ -> e

let implementation impl =
match impl.desc with
| Eopen _ | Etypedecl _ | Econstdecl _ -> impl
| Efundecl(n, ({ f_body = e } as body)) ->
{ impl with desc = Efundecl(n, { body with f_body = exp e }) }

let implementation_list impl_list = Zmisc.iter implementation impl_list
let program _ p =
let global_funs = Mapfold.default_global_funs in
let funs =
{ Mapfold.defaults with expression; equation; result; block;
reset_e; reset_eq; match_handler_eq;
match_handler_e; present_handler_eq;
present_handler_e; if_eq;
set_index; get_index; global_funs } in
let { p_impl_list } as p, _ =
Mapfold.program_it funs empty p in
{ p with p_impl_list = p_impl_list }

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