This repo contains a collection of high performance tools intended to ease the createion of datasets for image generation AI training like stable diffusion.
This repo contains the following tools:
SmartCrop is an application that uses content aware croping using, seam carving and resizeing to bring a directory of images into the deisred size and aspect ratio for training. SmartCrop ist configurable to prioritize specific items or specifc persons in the images provided.
PersonDatasetAssembler is a python script that finds images of a spcific person, specified by a referance image in a directory of images or in a video file. PersonDatasetAssembler supports also raw images.
LLavaTagger is a python script that tags images based on a given prompt using the LLaVA multi modal llm. LLavaTagger supports using any number of gpus in ddp parralel for this task.
DanbooruTagger is a python script of dubious utility that tags images based using the DeepDanbooru convolutional network.
All files in this repo are litcenced GPL V3, see LICENSE