Code for the paper - Generating 3D Brain Tumor Regions in MRI using Vector-Quantization Generative Adversarial Networks
Paper link, under revision at Computers in Biology and Medicine
To train the 3D-VQGAN model locally, run:
python3 ./
You can also change the model configurations/parameters in the model_config file in the configs folder.
To run the script in the SLURM:
sbatch ./
You can also change the sever-related settings, e.g., Memory, GPU, etc. in the .sh file
To train the transformer model locally, run:
python3 ./
You can also run this in the server, simply change the python file name in accordingly. You can change the hyperparameters of the transformer in the model_transformer_config file in the configs folder, and also in the file in the model folder, for some parameters with default values
To sample images from the trained transformer, run:
python3 ./
You can change the temperature, topp, topk parameters in the sampling method in the img_gen_configs in the configs folder, which controls the diversity and quality. The default is topp = None, topk = None, temperature = 1.0
For MS-SSIM and MMD calculation, please refer to this repo, and for the FID score, the implementation is available at here