Release 7.9.3
Snowstorm now requires all ECL queries to be valid according to ECL 2.0 specification. See SNOMED CT Expression Constraint Language for more details about syntax and examples.
- ISTO-16 Add support for ECL 2.0.
- MAINT-1644 Concepts donation via ECL.
- MAINT-1960 Prevent SCTID cache setup for new partition/namespace if original request for identifiers fails.
- MAINT-1945 Updated logic of DescriptionDroolsValidationService when finding the parents that not containing a specific semantic tag.
- ISTO-32 Separate test indices for FHIR. This avoids branch already exists error when the FHIR test context does not tear down fast enough.
- FRI-460 Only returns versions of a code system when the date of release is after the current date.
- FRI-123 Add CommitServiceHookClient to ClassificationService
- MAINT-1968 Fix code quality warnings and remove unused variables reported by LGTM.
- MAINT-1991 Delete temp file after RF2 import is done to avoid concurrency issue.
- FRI-444 Log components from the parent branch in traceability activities when changes on task are discarded during rebase.