An implementation of the SNOMED CT Expression Constraint Language.
Feature | Example | Supported |
Self | 404684003 |clinical finding| | Yes |
Descendant Of | < 404684003 |clinical finding| | Yes |
Descendant Or Self Of | << 73211009 |diabetes mellitus| | Yes |
Ancestor Of | > 40541001 |acute pulmonary edema| | Yes |
Ancestor Or Self Of | >> 40541001|acute pulmonary edema| | Yes |
MemberOf | ^ 700043003 |example problem list concepts reference set| | Yes |
Any | * | Yes |
Attribute | * : 246075003 |causative agent| = 387517004 |paracetamol| | Yes |
Focus Concept Range, Attribute | < 19829001 |disorder of lung|: 116676008 |associated morphology| = 79654002 |edema| | Yes |
Focus Concept Range, Attribute Value Range | < 404684003 |clinical finding|: 363698007 |finding site| = << 39057004 |pulmonary valve structure| | Yes |
Focus Concept Range, Attributes with Value Ranges | < 404684003 |clinical finding|: 363698007 |finding site| = << 39057004 |pulmonary valve structure|, 116676008 |associated morphology| = << 415582006 |stenosis| | Yes |
Attribute Grouping | < 404684003 |clinical finding|: { 363698007 |finding site| = << 39057004 |pulmonary valve structure|, 116676008 |associated morphology| = << 415582006 |stenosis|}, { 363698007 |finding site| = << 53085002 |right ventricular structure|, 116676008 |associated morphology| = << 56246009 |hypertrophy|} | Yes |
Nested Attribute | < 404684003 |clinical finding|: 47429007 |associated with| = (< 404684003 |clinical finding|: 116676008 |associated morphology| = << 55641003 |infarct|) | Yes |
Attribute Operator | << 404684003 |clinical finding|: << 47429007 |associated with| = << 267038008 |edema| | Yes |
Concrete Values | < 373873005 |pharmaceutical / biologic product|: 111115 |trade name| = "PANADOL" | Yes |
Concrete Values | < 27658006 |amoxicillin|: 411116001 |has dose form| = << 385049006 |capsule|, { 111115 |has basis of strength| = ( 111115 |amoxicillin only|: 111115 |strength magnitude| >= #500, 111115 |strength unit| = 258684004 |mg|)} | Yes |
Reverse Of | < 105590001 |substance|: R 127489000 |has active ingredient| = 111115 |TRIPHASIL tablet| | No |
Any Attribute Type | < 404684003 |clinical finding|: * = 79654002 |edema| | No |
Any Attribute Value | < 404684003 |clinical finding|: 116676008 |associated morphology| = * | Yes |
Attribute Cardinality | < 373873005 |pharmaceutical / biologic product|: [1..3] 127489000 |has active ingredient| = < 105590001 |substance| | Yes |
Attribute Group Cardinality | < 373873005 |pharmaceutical / biologic product|: [1..3] { [1..*] 127489000 |has active ingredient| = < 105590001 |substance|} | Yes |
Attribute Conjunction | < 404684003 |clinical finding|: 363698007 |finding site| = << 39057004 |pulmonary valve structure| AND 116676008 |associated morphology| = << 415582006 |stenosis| | Yes |
Attribute Disjunction | < 404684003 |clinical finding|: 116676008 |associated morphology| = << 55641003 |infarct| OR 42752001 |due to| = << 22298006 |myocardial infarction| | Yes |
Simple Conjunction | < 19829001 |disorder of lung| AND < 301867009 |edema of trunk| | Yes |
Simple Disjunction | < 19829001 |disorder of lung| OR < 301867009 |edema of trunk| | Yes |
Simple Conjunction With Refset | < 19829001 |disorder of lung| AND ^ 700043003 |example problem list concepts reference set| | Yes |
Attribute Group Conjunction Disjunction | < 404684003 |clinical finding|: { 363698007 |finding site| = << 39057004 |pulmonary valve structure|, 116676008 |associated morphology| = << 415582006 |stenosis|} OR { 363698007 |finding site| = << 53085002 |right ventricular structure|, 116676008 |associated morphology| = << 56246009 |hypertrophy|} | Yes |
Attribute Value Disjunction | ^ 447563008 |ICD-9-CM equivalence complex map reference set|: 246075003 |causative agent| = (< 373873005 |pharmaceutical / biologic product| OR < 105590001 |substance|) | Yes |
Attribute Value Conjunction | < 404684003 |clinical finding|: 116676008 |associated morphology| = (<< 56208002 |ulcer| AND << 50960005 |hemorrhage|) | Yes |
Exclusion Simple Expressions | << 19829001 |disorder of lung| MINUS << 301867009 |edema of trunk| | Yes |
Exclusion Simple Expressions | << 19829001 |disorder of lung| MINUS ^ 700043003 |example problem list concepts reference set| | Yes |
Exclusion Attribute Values | < 404684003 |clinical finding|: 116676008 |associated morphology| = ((<< 56208002 |ulcer| AND << 50960005 |hemorrhage|) MINUS << 26036001 |obstruction|) | Yes |
Not Equal To Attribute Value | < 404684003 |clinical finding|: 116676008 |associated morphology| != 26036001 |obstruction| | Yes |
- Java version 17 is required
- Download the latest application Jar from the releases page
- Use the commands listed below which:
- Unzip your SNOMED RF2 archive
- Load your SNOMED content and then serve
cd my-documents
java -Xms3g -jar snomed-query-service-4.0.0-exec.jar --loadRelease="/my-documents/SnomedCT_InternationalRF2_PRODUCTION_20220131T120000Z"
java -jar snomed-query-service-4.0.0-exec.jar --serve=true
This will create an "index" directory. This directory must be removed before running the load process again. Once the service is running in serve mode Swagger API documentation can be found at: http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui/index.html
Follow the quick start to use these examples:
- Descendant of "Administrative statuses (finding)" http://localhost:8080/concepts?ecQuery=<<307824009
- Ancestor or self of "Fitting of contact lens (procedure)" having attribute "Method (attribute)" http://localhost:8080/concepts?ecQuery=>>448642000:260686004=*
- Concepts having attribute "Direct device (attribute)" with value "Plaster cast, device (physical object)" http://localhost:8080/concepts?ecQuery=*:363699004=34164001
- Concepts in the ICD-O simple map reference set having attribute "Procedure site (attribute)" http://localhost:8080/concepts?ecQuery=^446608001:363704007=*
This is useful for running multiple instances of the tool to serve more releases.
java -jar target/*-exec.jar --serve=true --server.port=8081
If you would like to build this open source software yourself it's simple with maven:
git clone
cd snomed-query-service
mvn clean package
Find the binaries in the target directory.
Apache 2.0 Open Source Licence
kaicode for the code donation