This is a repository for the Kottans' frontend course
- I learned a couple of amazing things such as
- how to view the history of commits especially when you've got to see the affected files
- basic commands for the Vim editor
- how to exit from the 'git log' command.
- The fact that deleted commits can be restored within 30 days.
- 'commit --amend' and 'reser', I make mistakes very often 😄
- How to work with a remote repositiry when your current branch doesn't correspond whith the remote one.
- How hard it can be to adjust everything to be in the right state for being pushed.
- Everything I've learned about how to revert commited changes.
- A lot of unknown before commands, such as 'more', 'ps aux' etc.
- The way how useful the commands 'find' and 'grep' are.
- Definetely, the one I'll be using is 'grep', especially when we need to find certain changes in commits.
- All types of headers.
- The fact that 'never expires' in the Expires header is just a one-year shift.
- Pay attention to the status codes and react correspondedly once received particular ones, and have a correct structure of the headers.
- The difference between http 1.0 vs http 1.1. Also, what parallel connections and persistent connections are.
- That document expiration (max-age) is set in seconds and taht there are lots of different things you can do with cashing.
- Identification, Authentication and Cache.
- The fashion in which one can work and contrubite to somoone else's repository, which includes forking and creating pull requests.
- The usage of the 'rebase' command to squeeze several commits in one.
- How add multiple links to remote repositories to my local repository.
- How to push, pull and fetch in other branches besides master.
- How to delete a branch in the remote repository by pushing an empty argument.
- 'cherry-pick' and 'rebase' are definitely among the most useful commands.
- That there is a color picker in Chrome DevTools.
- There was nothing surprising 😅
- The use of the box-shadow property.
- Stuctured understanding of html tags.
- That you can make lists marked with everything including emoji 😈
- An input with the list of data might be useful in some cases.
- The box model, grid, @font-face, etc. So many new things 😲
- How easy it is to create animation!
- Here tons of new stuff I'll be using)
- Understanding of such concepts as the viewport, DPI and pixel ratio.
- That of how to deal with images and tables so as to make them responsive.
- In the future work the knowledge of media queries and 'off canvas' will be of a huge help.
A good practice to strengthen one's knowledge ragarding the flex tech. Essentially nothing new yet a good way to get some practical experience.