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Code and sql scripts for upgrading IDR data to OME-NGFF. Originally developed in IDR/idr-utils#56 but moved here instead of merging there.


The outline of the workflow was as follows, with more detailed steps below. All files generated by these steps are included in this repo:

  • Run scripts/ to generate ngff_filesets/idr_filesets.csv, logging into current IDR as any user.

  • Harvest ome.zarr names and uuids from BIA submission pages to create an idr00XX.csv file

  • Run which adds IDR Fileset IDs from idr_filesets.csv into each idr00XX.csv file

  • Use each idr00XX.csv file to run omero mkngff FSID path/to/s3/bucket/data.zarr > FSID.sql for each Fileset (committed to this repo)

  • When you want to run sql scripts on a new server, update the SECRET key in each FSID.sql file and run it with psql, also using mkngff symlink command to generate symlinks

Harvest data from BIA pages

All IDR NGFF data is currently listed at From there you can find links to each study submission page, E.g. is data from idr0012. With that page open in your browser, try to view ALL entries in the Viewable Images table (100 is the maximum), open the browser dev-tools Console and run the script below.

let csv = "";
$("#viewable tbody tr").each(function() {
    let $this = $(this);
    if ($("a", $this).length == 0) return
    let uid = $( "a:first", $this).attr("href").replace(".html", "");
    let zarrname = $( "td:nth-child(3)", $this).text().replace(".zip", "");
    csv += `${zarrname},${uid}\n`

Then copy the output from the Console into a csv e.g. ngff_filesets/idr0012.csv.


cd ngff_filesets
python idr0012

This will use the Fileset names in idr0012.csv to lookup their corresponding Fileset IDs from idr_filesets.csv and add these as an extra column to the idr0012.csv, printing warnings of any names that weren't found.

generate mkngff sql

You need to mount the BIA s3 buckets, e.g. with goofys:

sudo mkdir /bia-integrator-data && sudo /opt/goofys --endpoint -o allow_other bia-integrator-data /bia-integrator-data

We parse each idr00XX.csv to construct the path/to/data.zarr, using tr to strip newline characters. This is passed to omero mkngff with the Fileset ID and the output is saved to idr00XX.csv/fsid.sql. All these are committed to this repo. The omero login can be any user and can be on any server (e.g. public user on since this is only reading Fileset prefixes.

export IDRID=idr0012
cd ngff_filesets

omero login

for r in $(cat $IDRID.csv); do
  biapath=$(echo $r | cut -d',' -f2)
  uuid=$(echo $biapath | cut -d'/' -f2)
  fsid=$(echo $r | cut -d',' -f3 | tr -d '[:space:]')
  omero mkngff sql $fsid --clientpath="$biapath/$uuid.zarr" "/bia-integrator-data/$biapath/$uuid.zarr" > "$IDRID/$fsid.sql"

Run scripts on idr-next

When you are ready to apply these script to update Filesets on IDR...

Get Database password (and host) needed for psql, and set these to env variables:

source /opt/omero/server/venv3/bin/activate
export OMERODIR=/opt/omero/server/OMERO.server
omero config get
export DBHOST=
omero config get omero.db.pass
export PGPASSWORD=[********]

Use psql to get SECRET (last session ID).

psql -U omero -d idr -h $DBHOST -c "select uuid from (select * from session where node = 0 and owner = 0 and defaulteventtype = 'Sessions' order by id desc limit 1) x order by asc limit 1;"
(1 row)

Setup the psql function we need (only need to do this once):

omero mkngff setup > setup.sql
psql -U omero -d idr -h $DBHOST -f setup.sql

As user with sudo permissions (not omero-server) you need to replace SECRETUUID placeholder in the sql scripts with the uuid above.

cd ngff_filesets/idr0012
for i in $(ls); do sed -i 's/SECRETUUID/8add790d-7855-46f6-8239-c6a72937d572/g' $i; done

Now we can use a loop similar to the one above to run each sql script and also run omero mkngff symlink to create symlinks in the ManagedRepo. This also generates .zarr.bfoptions files alongside the .zarr symlinks, with config suitable for IDR. The --clientpath is used to populate the alt_source option in each .zarr.bfoptions file.

omero login

cd ngff_filesets
export IDRID=idr0012
for r in $(cat $IDRID.csv); do
  biapath=$(echo $r | cut -d',' -f2)
  uuid=$(echo $biapath | cut -d'/' -f2)
  fsid=$(echo $r | cut -d',' -f3 | tr -d '[:space:]')
  psql -U omero -d idr -h $DBHOST -f "$IDRID/$fsid.sql"
  omero mkngff symlink /data/OMERO/ManagedRepository $fsid "/bia-integrator-data/$biapath/$uuid.zarr" --bfoptions --clientpath="$biapath/$uuid.zarr"

When you try to view images from these new Filesets, this will trigger memo file generation. This can take a few seconds for single images up to a couple of hours for big plates. When complete the Images will be viewable!

In order to regenerate memo files for all data in IDR, see


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