This project represents a template for a deployment system using fabric3.
To use it you first need to install this template module into the desired python environment using:
pip install git+
You can directly run installations with this template, but the intentional usage of this package is to provide a standardised and flexible installation procedure for other systems for operational or development deployments on the cloud and on dedicated computers. By using fabric3 as a backend this template also enables parallel installations on many computers.
Start by copying the whole fabfile directory from the fabfileTemplate into your projects top level directory. Then edit the file fabfile/ and adjust it to your needs.
The tasks provided can be seen by executing:
fab --list
in the root directory of your application.
The output looks like:
Fabric scripts for TEMPLATE deployment and related activities.
For a detailed description of a task run "fab -d <task>"
End users will likely use the hl.operations_deploy or hl.user_deploy tasks,
Other tasks, including lower-level tasks, can also be invoked.
Available commands:
APPcommon.copy_sources Creates a copy of the APP sources in the target host.
APPcommon.install_and_check Creates a virtualenv, installs APP on it,
APPcommon.install_user_profile Put the activation of the virtualenv into the login profile of the user
APPcommon.virtualenv_setup Creates a new virtualenv that will hold the APP installation
aws.create_aws_instances Create AWS instances and let Fabric point to them
aws.list_instances Lists the EC2 instances associated to the user's amazon key
aws.terminate Task to terminate the boto instances
hl.aws_deploy Deploy APP on fresh AWS EC2 instances.
hl.docker_image Create a Docker image with an APP installation.
hl.operations_deploy Performs a system-level setup on a host and installs APP on it
hl.prepare_release Prepares an APP release (deploys APP into AWS serving its own source/doc)
hl.upload_release Uploads sources and documentation to AWS instance.
hl.user_deploy Compiles and installs APP in a user-owned directory.
pkgmgr.install_homebrew Task to install homebrew on Mac OSX.
pkgmgr.install_system_packages Perform the installation of system-level packages needed by APP to work.
pkgmgr.system_check Check for existence of system level packages
system.assign_ddns Installs the noip ddns client to the specified host.
system.check_command Check existence of command remotely
system.check_dir Check existence of remote directory
system.check_path Check existence of remote path
system.check_python Check for the existence of correct version of python
system.check_sudo Checks if the sudo command is present.
system.check_user Task checking existence of user
system.create_user Creates a user in the system.
system.postfix_config Setup a valid Postfix configuration to be used by APP.
system.python_setup Ensure that there is the right version of python available
utils.check_ssh Check availability of SSH
utils.whatsmyip Returns the external IP address of the host running fab.