Check if a player is using a ped outside or inside of a zone and display a warning.
- Add multiple zones all with independent settings.
- HUD OR Chat warnings!
- Configuration support in our discord!
- Download from github.
- Extract.
- Put into resources folder.
- Add
start PedZoneWarning
in your server.cfg - Start the server/script.
- Star in github 😉, Enjoy!
Config = {
Zones = {
["Spawn"] = {
whitelist = true, --Whether or not to only allow the ped(s) in this zone. If false it will display the warning while in the zone.
location = vector3(1931.21, 2618.04, 46.28),
radius = 75,
HUD = {
displayOnHud = true, --Whether or not to send the following message in chat or display on the hud.
Displays = {
[1] = {
x = .5,
y = .5,
scale = .6,
center = true,
text = "~r~Warning! ~w~You are no longer in spawn while using the default ped!"
[2] = {
x = .5,
y = .55,
scale = .6,
center = true,
text = "~w~You can change your ped in the F1 menu."
--The text and delay of the messages if "displayOnHud" is false.
text = "^1Warning! ^0You are no longer in spawn while using the default ped! You can change your ped in the F1 menu.",
delay = 30,
Peds = {--Peds that trigger it.