ImprovedDiscordWeaponPerms is a Discord based weapon restriction script. It is a fork of JaredScar's original DiscordWeaponPerms - I have rewritten it and added inheritances for roles and also added t-notify integration, as well as more config options and seperate messages for components and weapons with model names.
It should be noted that for
, the roleNames and roleIDs should match up with the ones specified inConfig.WeaponRestrictions
. -
Also, inheritance only inherits the role groups listed. Inheriting
which inheritsRoleName1
would not be inherited forRoleName3
Config = {
WeaponRestrictedMessage = "~r~This weapon is restricted.", --Placeholder: {WEAPON_NAME}
ComponentRestrictedMessage = "~r~This component is restricted.", --Placeholder: {COMP_NAME}
InheritanceEnabled = true,
-- Set to true if you use the t-notify plugin for notifications.
usingTnotify = false,
-- How often the script checks for restricted weapons. (in milliseconds) Note: Lower numbers could result in increased lag for your players.
updateTime = 2000,
--Will print debug messages in the server console.
debugMode = false,
Weapon components list:
Weapon list:
-- This Script uses the nicknames for roles listed in Badger_Discord_API.
Config.WeaponRestrictions = {
--['RoleName or ID'] = {
-- "Weapon1/Component1",
-- "Weapon2/Component2",
-- "Weapon3/Component3",
-- "Weapon4/Component4"
['RoleName1'] = {
['RoleName2'] = {
['RoleName3'] = {
['RoleName4'] = {
-- Requires Config.InheritanceEnabled to be = true
Config.Inheritances = {
--['RoleName or ID'] = {'RoleName2', 'RoleName3', 'RoleName4'},
['RoleName1'] = {'RoleName2', 'RoleName3', 'RoleName4'},
['RoleName2'] = {'RoleName3', 'RoleName4'},
['RoleName3'] = {'RoleName4'},
['RoleName4'] = {}