- LDPC-pseudo-code : Pseudo code of ECCPoW using C++ which are cloned from https://github.com/paaabx3/ECCPoW
- ECC-PoW-pseudo-blockchain : Implement pseudo ECCPoW blockchain using python.
- Blockchain source code is based on https://github.com/dvf/blockchain
- ldpc : Porting LDPC C++ to LDPC golang
- ECC-PoW go-ethereum (Organization repository)
Writer : HyoungSung Kim
Github : https://github.com/hyoungsungkim
Email : rktkek456@gmail.com / hyoungsung@gist.ac.kr
- Finish porting to go
- Index errors are happened when LDPC is tested with go routine in go-ethereum
- Remove global variables
- Because of global variables, Critical section is violated
- Remove useless return
- Add comments to each function
- Add
- Calculate elapse time of decoding
- Test LDPC Process
- Test
function - Test LDPC verification
- Implement a function for verifying LDPC decoder
- Amend return of few functions for decoder verification function
function is corrected- Before correcting, serialized string was passed
- But now, encrypted(sha256) string is passed
function is implemented- When every condition is same, It is 20% faster than previous decoder (Different up to seed)
Previous Implementation
for t = 0; t < parameters.n; t++ {
for m = 0; m < parameters.wc; m++ {
temp3 = 0
for mp = 0; mp < parameters.wc; mp++ {
if mp != m {
temp3 = infinityTest(temp3 + LRrtl[t][rowInCol[mp][t]])
LRqtl[t][rowInCol[m][t]] = infinityTest(LRft[t] + temp3)
Optimized Implementation
for t := 0; t < parameters.n; t++ {
temp3 := 0.0
for mp := 0; mp < parameters.wc; mp++ {
temp3 = infinityTest(temp3 + LRrtl[t][rowInCol[mp][t]])
for m := 0; m < parameters.wc; m++ {
temp4 := temp3
temp4 = infinityTest(temp4 - LRrtl[t][rowInCol[m][t]])
LRqtl[t][rowInCol[m][t]] = infinityTest(LRft[t] + temp4)
if mp != m
is same with add every thing and subtract specific value
- Now LDPCNonce is started from Random number, not 0
- It is same way with go-ethereum
- Previous LDPCNonce is uint32, however now LDPCNonce is uint64
// go-ethereum/consensus/ethash/sealer.go
func (ethash *Ethash) Seal(chain consensus.ChainReader, block *types.Block, result chan<- *types.Block, stop <- chan struct{}) error {
if etheash.lock.Lock() {
seed, err := crand.Int(crand.Reader, big.NewInt(math.MaxInt64))
ethash.rand = rand.New(rand.NewSource(seed.Int64()))
for i := 0; i < threads; i++ {
// nonce is started from random number
go func(id int, nonce int64) {
}(i, uint64(ethash.rand.Int63()))
LDPC Decoder
// decoder.go
func generateRandomNonce() uint64 {
seed, _ := crand.Int(crand.Reader, big.NewInt(math.MaxInt64))
source := rand.New(rand.NewSource(seed.Int64()))
return uint64(source.Int63())
// LDPCNonce := generateRandomNonce()
- Now concurrency mining is possible!
- Now LDPCNonce is random generation number in concurrency mining
- This go routines algorithms are fixed for mining in geth. It works only in puppeth
- In puppeth, user can use only 1 thread. It is inefficient in testing.(Currently ECCPoW block generation time is not fixed)
- However in geth, user can change the number of threads for mining.
// consensus/eccpow/algorithm.go
func RunOptimizedConcurrencyLDPC(...) {
// ...
// make empty structure to close go routine
var outerLoopSignal = make(chan struct{})
var innerLoopSignal = make(chan struct{})
var goRoutinerSignal = make(chan struct{})
// Repeate generating go routine until valid nounce is found
for {
// If outerLoopSignal channel is closed, then break outerLoop and stop mining
case <-OuterLoopSignal:
break outerLoop
// Empty default to unblock select statement
// Generate go routines for concurrency mining
for i:= 0; i < numberOfGorouine; i++ {
select {
// innerLoopSignal is propagated from go routine.
// If innerLoopSignal is closed, then propagate close signal by closing outerLoopSignal and break innerLoop
case <-innerLoopSignal:
break innerLoop
// Empty default to unblock select statement
go func(goRoutineSingal chan struct{}) {
defer wg.Done()
// ...
select {
case <-goRoutineSignal:
for attempt := 0; attempt < numberOfAttempt; attempt++ {
goRoutineNonce := generateRandomNonce()
// ...
flag = MakeDecision(header, colInRow, goRoutineOutputWord)
select {
// If one of go routine found nounce, then that go routine close chanel.
// As a result, other go routines recognize that do not need to keep mining. So stop it.
case <-goRoutineSignal:
// fmt.Println("goRoutineSignal channel is already closed")
break attemptLoop
// If valid nounce is found, then close goRoutineSignal to let other go routine stop mining
// also close innerLoopSignal to propagate close signal to outer loop
if flag {
hashVector = goRoutineHashVector
outputWord = goRoutineOutputWord
LDPCNonce = goRoutineNonce
digest = seed
break attemptLoop
// Need to wait to prevent memory leak
- Before concurrency mining
- In the lowest difficulty, it takes more than 600s
- Usually more than 200s
- After concurrency mining
- Tested 21 times, Only 1 test took more than 600s
- Minimum is 9s,
- Results(sec) : 9, 10, 17, 24, 30, 33, 40, 42, 45, 60, 60, 116, 143, 160 169, 210, 214, 214, 218, 220, more than 600
- What is the number of optimal goroutines?
- Why is it important?
- Because, if there are too many goroutine, Overhead is happened.
- It takes a time in
- Too many goroutine is slower because of scheduling
- How about using constant?
- We can get a better result if we use a constant which is derived by test
- But it depends on system
- It can be worse in different system
- Why is it important?
- What is the number of optimal attempts?
- Why is it important?
- Too many attempts make overhead in
- Too low attempts let goroutine meaningless
- If attempts finish too early, single goroutine can be faster than multi goroutine(overhead)
- Too many attempts make overhead in
- Why is it important?
- Duplicated decoding can be happen when we increase LDPCNonce
- When the number of attempts is high and distance of random generation number is close, duplication can be happen
- For example
- Attempt is 10,000
- First goroutine's random generation number : 1
- Second goroutine's random generation number : 5001
- Then 5001~10000 are duplicated
- It is very rare because range of random generation number is 0 ~ 2^64 -1
- Every attempt use different LDPCNonce which is generated randomly
- Empirically it is faster(Need more tests)
- Difficulty is reciprocal of mining success probability in ethereum
Target <= 2^256 / Difficulty
- It means
Difficulty <= 2^256 / Target
- Difficulty : 블록 생성에 필요한 시도 횟수의 상한(Upper bound of the number of try to generate block)
- Difficulty / Block generation time : Hashrate
- Therefore, we can convert probability of Table to Difficulty of Header
diff = (parent_diff + (parent_diff / 2048 * max((2 if len(parent.uncles) else 1) - ((timestamp - parent.timestamp) / 9), -99))) + 2^(periodCount - 2)
- Basic concept is adding or subtracting to difficulty of parent
- (timestamp - parent.timestamp) / 9
- When block generation takes [0,9) sec, difficulty is increased
- When block generation takes [9, 18) sec, difficulty is not changed
- When block generation takes over 18 sec, then difficulty is decreased
- 2^(periodCount - 2) : For ice age
- 2048 : I will define it as sensitivity
- Because when this number becomes higher, it is robust to difficulty change(difficulty is changed little by little)
- When this number becomes smaller, it is weak to difficulty change(difficulty is changed rapidly )
- On-line방식으로 수정 됨
diff = (parent_diff + (parent_diff / sensitivity * max((2 if len(parent.uncles) else 1) - ((timestamp - parent.timestamp) / Block_generation_time), -99)))
- Everything is same but we don't use ice age and need parameter tuning(sensitivity, Block_generation_time)
- LDPC decoder is ported in go-ethereum
- Need test for parameter tuning
- Test 1,000,000 try
- Single goroutine : 126.385s
- Multi goroutine : 24.595s
- However, There is a problem in verifying codeword
- Need to check arguments of verify function
- Thread(go routine) local variable was problem (H matrix)
- Fix it as thread share variable.
- It can be shared with other threads. Because it is not changed in thread(goroutine)
- Implement unit test for verification.
- Currently, approximate block generation time is 100 ~ 120 sec
- Block generation time is too irregular
- Need more nodes...?
- Image is temparaily deleted for journal paper publication
- Add more nodes
- Image is temparaily deleted for journal paper publication
- Fix difficulty calculation detail
- Set block generation time as 60
- Change architecture for certification test
- ECCPoW -> ethash + ldpc decoder
- Fix concurrency error for geth deployment.
- Last concurrency mining works only in puppeth deployment.
- It makes network errors. so fixed.