Important: This is a WIP, do not use it in production
Checks for URLs during typing and pasting and automatically converts them to embeds.
Setup an instance of embed-api to provide a REST endpoint for local development or on your production server.
npm install quill-url-embeds --save
import Quill from 'quill'
import { urlEmbed, urlEmbedModule } from 'quill-url-embeds'
'blots/urlEmbed': urlEmbed,
'modules/urlEmbeds': urlEmbedModule({
const quill = new Quill(editor, {
modules: {
urlEmbeds: {}
This module checks for URLs that are inserted on single lines.
Examples that will trigger embeds:
Check this out:
This is awesome.
Examples that will not trigger embeds:
Check this out: is awesome.
After triggering, meta info for the given URL is fetched from the provided REST endpoint.
After successfully fetching the meta info, an embed is rendered.
Example Output:
<div data-url-embed="" contenteditable="false">
<iframe class="ql-video" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="true" src=""></iframe>
Converts embeds to a-tags.
Client Usage:
import { utils } from 'quill-url-embeds'
Server Usage:
import embedToAnchor from 'quill-url-embeds/dist/embed-to-anchor'
<div data-url-embed="" contenteditable="false">
<iframe class="ql-video" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="true" src=""></iframe>
is converted to:
<a target="_blank" href="" data-url-embed=""></a>
Converts all single line a-tags inside a DOM node to embeds.
import { utils } from 'quill-url-embeds'
const populator = new utils.populator(metaApi)
<a target="_blank" href="" data-url-embed=""></a>
is converted to:
<div data-url-embed="" contenteditable="false">
<iframe class="ql-video" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="true" src=""></iframe>
In order to secure your application against XSS attacks it is necessary to sanitize the editor content before saving it. To achieve this we need a few extra steps in managing the data.
This module provides some utility functions to help making the process as smooth as possible.
Content sanitizing needs to be handled in your backend.
This example uses sanitize-html, so be sure to install it first:
npm install sanitize-html --save
import sanitizeHtml from 'sanitize-html'
import embedToAnchor from 'quill-url-embeds/dist/embed-to-anchor'
const sanitizeContent = (content) => {
// Convert embeds to a-tags
content = embedToAnchor(content);
// Sanitize content
content = sanitizeHtml(content, {
allowedTags: ['img', 'p', 'br', 'b', 'i', 'em', 'strong', 'a', 'pre', 'ul', 'li', 'ol', 'span'],
allowedAttributes: {
a: ['href', 'target', 'data-*'],
img: [ 'src' ]
parser: {
lowerCaseTags: true
transformTags: {
i: 'em',
b: 'strong'
return content;
In your frontend you need to populate the sanitized content with embed code. (Note: Quill will do this for it's own content after initialization)
import { utils } from 'quill-url-embeds'
const metaApi = ''
const populator = new utils.populator(metaApi)
// Convert a-tags in #editor-content to embeds
const node = document.getElementById('editor-content')
Setup a standalone version of this module + quill for local development:
Make sure you have yarn installed.
Clone this repo
$ git clone
Install your dependencies
$ cd ./quill-url-embeds $ yarn
Start development
$ yarn dev