Vaajoor is a persian daily word game like Wordle
Vaajoor solver is a JS applcation that can find the solution of Vaajoor game.
First, I need to find best persian words list. (I have downloaded it from here)
Then we need to filter 5 letters words from the list. (I did it by utils/5LetterWords.js
Now, It's time to solve.
1- Find words with non-repeating letters. (This words are better to start because they have more chance to be found)
2- Pass one word to the solver.
3- Check from API word is valid or not.
4- If it's not valid, find another word. by removing words by red letters, and check word has green and yellow letters.
Vaajoor solver requires Node.js to run.
git clone
cd vaajoor-solver
npm i
node solve.js # or node solve.js [day] for specific day for example node solve.js 12