My primary focus is on JavaScript, and I enjoy creating dynamic and interactive web applications. I also have experience with HTML, CSS, and Bootstrap, which I use to craft visually appealing and responsive user interfaces.
Aside from my studies, I am actively working on two exciting projects, Awesome Book and TO-do-list. These projects reflect my dedication to building practical solutions that improve people's lives.
I am always eager to learn and explore new technologies to stay up-to-date with the ever-evolving web development landscape. Through my work and contributions, I hope to make a positive impact in the tech community and beyond.
🔭 I’m currently working on Awesome Book
🌱 I’m currently learning Javascript,React
👯 I’m looking to collaborate on Feel free to explore my repositories and reach out to me for collaboration or any questions!
💬 Ask me about HTML,CSS,Boostrap
📫 How to reach me