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Trade window Orion Assistant

Hotride edited this page Dec 8, 2019 · 2 revisions

Command format:

ReturnType, [optionalParameters=defaultValue]);

  • ReturnType - the return value of the function (void - the function returns nothing);

  • NameSpace - the scope of the function;

  • name - the name of the function;

  • requiredParameters - required parameters;

  • optionalParameters - optional parameters, the default value is indicated after the = sign

int Orion.TradeCount();

Result: the amount of open menus.

String Orion.TradeContainer('index', 'container');

Get the container serial of the trade window with the index 'index' (from 0 to TradeCount () - 1) (or using the serial index 0x12345678).

container - Window identifier, right ('right' or '1') or left ('left' or '0').

Result: serial of the container.

String Orion.TradeOpponent('index');

Get an opponent's serial of the trade window with the index 'index' (from 0 to TradeCount () - 1) (or using the serial index 0x12345678).

Result: opponent's serial.

String Orion.TradeName('index');

Get the opponent's name of the trade window with the index 'index' (from 0 to TradeCount () - 1) (or using the serial index 0x12345678).

Result: opponent's name.

bool Orion.TradeCheckState('index', 'container');

Obtain the status (confirmation) of the transaction in the trade window with the index 'index' (from 0 to TradeCount () - 1) (or using serial number index 0x12345678).

container - Window identifier, right ('right' or '1') or left ('left' or '0').

Result: the status of the checkbox is true / false.

void Orion.TradeCheck('index', state);

Change the transaction confirmation status in the trade window with the index 'index' (from 0 to TradeCount () - 1) (or using serial number index 0x12345678).

state - new state, true (tick) or false (uncheck).

void Orion.TradeClose('index');

Close the trade window with the index 'index' (from 0 to TradeCount () - 1) (or using the serial index 0x12345678).

Introduced in

bool Orion.WaitForTrade([delay=1000]);

Await for a trade window for a given 'delay' amount of time and blocking script execution.

Returns true if a trade window was received during this period.

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