By Zhi-Song Liu, Wan-Chi Siu and Yui-am Chan
We propose a novel Conditional Variational AutoEncoder model for this Reference based Face Super-Resolution (RefSR-VAE). By using the encoder to map the reference image to the joint latent space, we can then use the decoder to sample the encoder results to super-resolve low-resolution facial images to generate super-resolution images with good visual quality.
The paper can be found in IEEE
author={Z. {Liu} and W. {Siu} and Y. {Chan}},
journal={IEEE Access},
title={Reference Based Face Super-Resolution},
• We firstly propose a Single Image Super-Resolution via conditional Variational AutoEncoder (SISR-VAE)
• We further propose a Reference based face SR via conditional Variational AutoEncoder (RefSR-VAE) to resolve face SR with large up-scaling factors.
• Finally, we will introduce a new Reference based (RefSR-Face) dataset for the SR of face images for training and testing.
Python > 3.0
OpenCV library
MATLAB 6.0 or above
The complete architecture is shown as follows,
We propose a Reference based face SR dataset. It is modified from VGGFace2. The target is to collect facial images across different sex, races and so on. Each identity should include several facial images with various poses, ages, emotions and so on. We obtain a training dataset containing 428 identities for development. Each identity includes 2~30 images. And a testing dataset also contains 428 identities. Each identity includes 1~4 images with very different appearance to the reference image. We show some examples in the following figure.
You can download the dataset from:
You can download the pre-trained models from:
For RefSR-VAE, run RefSR_VAE.ipynb
For SISR-VAE, run VAE-SR.ipynv
This figure shows the comparison among different face SR algorithms on RefSR dataset
This figure shows the facial identity transfer on RefSR dataset
Please cite our paper for using our dataset or models.