A more advanced and feature-packed raytracer. Done in C with the CSFML library by a team of 4 EPITECH students.
Final mark for the project: 29 points
- Arthur KNOEPFLIN (arthur.knoepflin@epitech.eu)
- Nicolas POLOMACK (nicolas.polomack@epitech.eu)
- Maxime JENNY (maxime.jenny@epitech.eu)
- Cedric THOMAS (cedric.thomas@epitech.eu)
- Multi-threading
- Network clustering
- Multi-lights
- Light colors
- Ambient lighting
- Specular highlights
- Diffuse shadows
- Reflections / Refractions
- Depth of field
- SSAA (SuperSampling Anti-Aliasing)
- Textures
- Export as .bmp
- 3D anaglyph stereoscopy
- .obj file format support
- Objects as modular librairies
- Equation solver to assist object intersection computations