Use G'MIC plugins with ffmpeg (finally!) thanks to the wonderful ffmpeg-python and gmic for Python.
moreffmpeg is a Python library that allows you to utilize G'MIC plugins with FFmpeg in a straightforward and efficient manner. It leverages ffmpeg-python and gmic to perform high-quality image and video processing, specifically designed to upscale video using G'MIC's powerful diffusion algorithm.
This project provides a convenient way to upscale videos to a 720p resolution while maintaining the correct aspect ratio, ensuring the final output meets your requirements.
- Utilize G'MIC's diffusion upscale directly within FFmpeg.
- Automatically crop or pad the video to achieve a final resolution of 1280x720.
- Adjustable parameters for upscaling, including width scale, height scale, smoothness, anisotropy, and sharpness.
git clone
cd moreffmpeg
sudo apt install python3-venv
python3 -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate # For Linux and macOS
# .venv\Scripts\activate # For Windows
pip install -r requirements.txt
To upscale a video, run the following command:
scripts/moreffmpeg <input_file> <output_file>
scripts/moreffmpeg input_video.mp4 output_video.mp4
This command will read [input_video.mp4]{.title-ref}, apply the G'MIC diffusion upscale, and write the result to [output_video.mp4]{.title-ref}.
The [upscale_diffusion_dvd_16_9_to_720p]{.title-ref} function accepts the following optional parameters:
: Percentage to upscale width (default: 178)height_scale
: Percentage to upscale height (default: 150)smoothness
: Smoothness level for G'MIC processing (default: 0)anisotropy
: Anisotropy level for G'MIC processing (default: 0.4)sharpness
: Sharpness level for G'MIC processing (default: 21)
Contributions are welcome! Feel free to open issues or submit pull requests for improvements or new features.
See also doc/development/
See license.txt