ROS messages and related convenience utilities to handle human (or not) skeletons
└── Header header (publication time, actual frame_id)
└── Skeleton[] skeletons
└── int32 id
└── time src_time (timestamp of the input data)
└── string src_frame (frame_id of the input data)
└── uint32 max_markers
└── uint32 max_links
└── float64 confidence
└── Box bounding_box
│ │
│ └── KinematicState center
│ │ │
│ │ └── geometry_msgs/Pose pose
│ │ └── geometry_msgs/Twist velocity
│ │ └── geometry_msgs/Accel acceleration
│ │
│ └── float64 length
│ └── float64 height
│ └── float64 width
└── Marker[] markers
│ │
│ └── int32 id
│ └── string name
│ └── float64 confidence
│ └── KinematicState center
└── Link[] links
└── int32 id
└── string name
└── int32 parent_marker
└── int32 child_marker
└── float64 confidence
└── KinematicState center
Please cite the following paper:
Guidolin, M., Tagliapietra, L., Menegatti, E., & Reggiani, M. (2023). Hi-ROS: Open-source multi-camera sensor fusion for real-time people tracking. Computer Vision and Image Understanding, 232, 103694.
Bib citation source:
title = {Hi-ROS: Open-source multi-camera sensor fusion for real-time people tracking},
journal = {Computer Vision and Image Understanding},
volume = {232},
pages = {103694},
year = {2023},
issn = {1077-3142},
doi = {},
url = {},
author = {Mattia Guidolin and Luca Tagliapietra and Emanuele Menegatti and Monica Reggiani},
keywords = {Markerless motion capture, Multi-view body tracking, Real-time, ROS}