Everything would be better with Vim keybindings
- 🔭 I’m currently working on the MiraMizu App for iOS!
- 🌱 I’m currently learning to implement Rust in low level computing
- 📫 How to reach me: jasmeet.bhatia.us@gmail.com
Everything would be better with Vim keybindings
A in-development comprehensive Risk of Rain 2 Damage Analyzer and Probability Calculator
Forked from AlfredoSequeida/etext
An email-to-sms protocol for reminding members of UCSD Multi-Asian Student Association for events they signed up for.
An ECG Noise Filtering Program, written in MatLab
TWOMBLI is an open source FIJI macro for image analysis, however, is limited in its ability to contribute due to its limitations as a FIJI macro. This project is to rewrite the code in Python while…
A comfy neovim configuration, written in Lua, using the Lazy package manager.