Java dependencies loader and relocator
DMRelocator downloads java dependencies from url or repository, then relocate them using jar-relocator like you would do whith the maven-shade-plugin. This way, it prevents from creating "uber" jar file.
Dependency Manager Relocator can be used to relocate any libraries from any repositories. It can be a release version of your favorite library or a snapshot version. In case of snapshot version, Dependency Manager Relocator will always check that you use the latest updated snapshot version.
public class Example {
public static void main(String[] args) {
long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
// Define the folder where the relocated jar will be placed
Path libsDir = Paths.get("libs");
// Define a cache folder where jar dependencies will be downloaded
Path cacheDir = Paths.get(libsDir.toString(), "cache");
// Get DMRelocator instance
try {
// The folder which will contains the relocated dependencies
// The folder which will contains downloaded dependencies
// (default to false)
// logger
// Add repositories
.addRepository(new Repository(new URL("")).name("jcenter"))
.addRepository(new Repository(new URL("")).name("aikar"))
// Add artifacts
.addArtifact(new Artifact("", "gson", "2.8.6"))
.addArtifact(new Artifact("org.apache.commons", "commons-lang3", "3.11"))
.addArtifact(new Artifact("commons-io", "commons-io", "2.8.0"))
.addArtifact(new Artifact("co.aikar", "acf-core", "0.5.0-SNAPSHOT"))
// Add relocations
.addRelocation(new Relocation("", "libs.gson"))
.addRelocation(new Relocation("org.apache.commons.lang3", "libs.commons-lang3"))
.addRelocation(new Relocation("", "libs.commons-io"))
.addRelocation(new Relocation("co.aikar", "libs.aikar"))
// relocate artifacts
} catch (DMRelocator.RelocatorException | IOException e) {
log("Loaded and/or downloaded all dependencies in " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - start) + " ms!");
private static void log(String message) {
System.out.println("[DMRelocator]: " + message);
The main goal of Dependency Manager Relocator is to prevent from creating "uber" jar file, as such, it come pack in one file that can be downloaded from the release page. You can also use the script below to download the file and to update the package name :
sed -i -e "s|com.github.hexocraft||"
or download the current dev version from the rpository :
sed -i -e "s|com.github.hexocraft||"