A crossplatform Fingerprint Identification Lib built on Digital Persona FingerJetEngine Api for .Net
- Available on NuGet: FingerWhoIs
var engine = new FingerEngine();
var result1 = Convert.FromBase64String("aGVsbG8=");
var call = engine.ConvertFmdFormat(result,FmdFormat.Iso,FmdFormat.Ansi);
Console.WriteLine($"Is Fmd Valid {engine.ValidateFMD(result1)}");
var confScore = engine.CompareTwoFmds(result1, result1);
var idsc = engine.IdentifyFmd(result1, new[] {result1},1);
Console.WriteLine($"The number of items found is {idsc.Count} and result is {JsonSerializer.Serialize(idsc)}");
Console.WriteLine($"The Current Native Version Is ==> {engine.NativeLibVersion}");
- Linux (x64)
- Windows (x64)
Might build out more support for macos and and x86 architecture going forward
Included a dockerfile to test it out for linux, you can also clone and run the Console app if you have a windows box or linux