Show usage of the MongoQL-springboot-maven-plugin to be able to easily explore MongoQL data through a GraphQL interface
If you don't want to go through all the trouble of setting things up, you can see the result deployed on the Heroku plateform using a Mongo Atlas database:
Please refer to MongoQL-core readme for the initial setup of MongoDB data.
Then you should be able to call simply
mvn spring-boot:run -DPORT=8080 -DmongodbUserPwd=*pwd*
Following the call to this command, open a browser and go to this link. You have a here a console to type your graphql query. If you followed the MongoQL-core readme for the initial setup, type the following:
allPerson {
The result should then be:
"data": {
"allPerson": [
"name": "David"
"name": "Mathieu"
"name": "Nuno"
"name": "Kevin"
"name": "Michael"
- Kotlin
- Spring Boot
- GraphQL Java
- Spring Boot GraphQL