Project Developed Using JavaScript.
It's a platform game made in Phaser 3, it aims to be a turn-based rpg and is still under development.
The concept is very basic: Move, end turn, jump and attack. The player has atributes and stats but
is still being implemented.
- The future updates will be displayed when production starts.
The game is hosted on heroku, so to play just click here.
The game is turn-based, and each player will have it's turn to make a move/attack/interact.
When creating a new character, the player will have to choose between 3 Stats:
- Force: Increase both player damage and defense.
- Intelligence: Increase the player Xp gained.
- Dex: Increase the number of moves the player can do in a turn.
Since the game is under development, more features will be released.
The main menu has 4 entries:
- New Game Create a new character
- Load Game Loads an pre-created character
- Instructions Leads to this page
- Credits Leads to credits screen
If the move is invalid (like trying to move where there is a wall or trying to attack while in the air)
the character will blink white.
If you are near an enemy, use SPACE to attack him. The confirmation of the attack will make the enemy blink WHITE.
When your turn ends it's the enemy time to make a move. If he gets close enough it will attack you.
If he succeed, your character will blink RED and you will take some damage.
If your health reaches 0, you will die and the game will end.
Please, make changes only to the src folder.
If you don't have webpack installed on your local machine, follow the instalation
Pull requests and contributions are all welcome, for any aditional feedback mail to
- H Hefler - Initial work - HeflerDev
This project is licensed under the MIT License