initinator is a generic initramfs building and configuration solution. It is an alternative to initramfs build systems like mkinitcpio or dracut. Like those, it has a modular architecture. initinator is designed to produce an absolutely minimal BusyBox-based, callback-driven init script for the initramfs. The generated init script is designed to be readable and easily understandable.
Currently, initinator is in the alpha stage and has been through minimal testing, so its use in important systems is not advised. Testing can be done safely in a virtual machine, however, and bug reports are welcome.
When I first had the idea for this project, I had a hard time coming up with a good name. I decided to bring it up at a fall 2015 meeting of the RIT Linux User Group, and Nate Levesque immediately suggested "initinator", so it seemed like it was meant to be. The "-inator" prefix comes from the habit of the character Dr. Doofenshmirtz (from the recently popular animated children's television show "Phineas and Ferb") of naming all his evil inventions in the form verb-inator, no matter how ridiculous that sounded.