Welcome to the Pong Game! This is a simple implementation of the classic Pong game, created from scratch using Python and the Pygame library. This project is a starting point for fun and learning, and everyone is invited to participate and contribute!
Pong is one of the earliest arcade video games and is a table tennis sports game featuring simple two-dimensional graphics. This project recreates the classic experience and serves as a fun project to improve programming skills with Python and Pygame.
- Classic Pong gameplay
- Single-player mode
- Basic collision detection
- Simple, easy-to-read code
To play the game, you need to have Python and Pygame installed on your machine.
- Python 3.x
- Pygame
You can install Pygame using pip:
pip install pygame
python start.py
If you'd like to be added to this list, please make a contribution and we'll be happy to include your name!